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Monday, May 31, 2010

Throw the bums in Congress out

Their Finest Hour

by Tom Wacaster

"Change"!  How many times have you heard that word in your lifetime?  The number is incalculable!  The hippies of the 60's clamored for change!   And so America cast off the sexual morals of a previous generation and gave us the change that the baby boomers sought.  The seeds of ungodliness were sown in the minds of a new generation via movies, rock music, and the  "rap" mentality, and the harvest is now coming to fruition: increased abortion on demand, legitimized homosexual relationships, and a more "open" and permissive standard for language and content in movies and music.  Character traits such as "responsibility," "integrity," "honesty," and "trustworthiness" are almost foreign to the younger generation, as well as the leaders of our political electorate in Washington.   Slowly at first, but with increasing momentum, the fabric of our society is crumbling – we are dying within!   America is "broken" and it does not appear that anyone knows how to "fix" it!   All we know is that there must be some kind of "change" to get us on the "right track."   Prior to our last Presidential election the American public, to the tune of 60+%, thought that the country was on the wrong track – heading in the wrong direction politically, financially, and even morally.   On November 2nd 2008 we went to the polls and we voted for "change."  Hopes were high, and there was an air of optimism as voters vented their frustration with the status quo.  Less than 20 months later, disappointment has set in, and the only "change" we have seen is for the worse:  an unbelievable rise in national deficits and debt, promised admittance of homosexuals into the armed forces, increased abortion on demand, and an increasing antagonism toward religion in general and Christianity in particular.   Personally, I do not think our country voted for this kind of "change" nineteen months ago.  

What a difference a year makes!  In April of 2009 a grass roots movement began to "throw the bums out," and it appears that the movement is having an impact upon incumbents and political "insiders."   Perhaps the "change" we are now seeking is for the better as Americans seek a return to fiscal and moral responsibility on the part of our leaders.   In a recent segment on Fox News it was reported  that among the best selling items on are books that address our religious heritage as a nation.  There is a renewed interest in matters of religion, and an increasing demand for material that seeks to address the inner man.   Perhaps the Lord's church should take action and strike while the iron is hot!    Let us lead the way in any new religious revival that might just now be developing.   Elders, stop sitting on the massive amount of funds you have "saved" up for a rainy day, and let us invest the Lord's money in advertizing, books, television and radio, and offer to America the only thing that can "fix" this broken society!   Let us start a spiritual "tea party" movement with a spiritual emphasis to it.  Let us point the way back to the Bible – and let us do it today!  If hundreds and thousands of congregations would rise up, and spend the necessary money to inform America of a better way, perhaps our generation will witness a resurgence in the growth of the church.  If politically minded men and women can so influence the political landscape via the "tea party" movement, think of what spiritually minded men and women can do  as they march forth with the gospel of Christ.  

The late Winston Churchill came to a position of power and prominence during the darkest days of England's illustrious history.  On May 10, 1940, Germany began a massive attack against Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Defending those countries were the British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.) along with the French, Belgian, and Dutch armies.  Although the opposing armies seemed evenly matched, there was a crucial difference in command structures and battle tactics. The Germans had an aggressive battle plan and utilized modern communications such as radio. German tank generals including Heinz Guderian and Erwin Rommel commanded from the front lines, improvising when necessary, and urging their troops onward. After just a few weeks of battle, Hitler's armies had experienced stunning victories on all fronts. Holland, Luxembourg and Belgium had capitulated by the end of May. Paris fell on June 14. Three days later, France sued for peace.  In his speech to the House of Commons, Prime Minister Winston Churchill discussed the disastrous turn of events in Europe with the realization that Britain now stood alone against the seemingly unstoppable German military juggernaut.  In the depths of despair, with little on the horizon to offer hope for a victory over Nazi Germany, the prime minister encouraged them with what became one of his most notable speeches.   He closed that speech with the following arousing words:

Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.  Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'

It may very well be that this country is living on borrowed time.   Who knows whether or not there are enough righteous souls to preserve this nation?  We can only pray that God will have mercy.   But let us also seize the sword of the Spirit and go forth with the gospel of Christ.   If we are diligent in planting the seed of God's word, perhaps it will be said by our grandchildren and great-grandchildren that, like England of old, "This was their finest hour." 



Friday, May 28, 2010

Trua é a dhéanann a chuid tuairimí a cinnteacht

"Trua é a dhéanann a chuid tuairimí a cinnteacht."

"Pity him who makes his opinions a certainty."

Sermon illustration for memorial day

Memorial Day holds a special meaning to many in our country. May 30 is
observed in the United States in commemoration of those members of the armed
forces killed in war. I know that there are many in our land that also would
prefer not to think of the harsh realities of war, of lost friend, sons,
daughters, husbands and wives. Yet, it is a reality of life and I for one am
proud of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for what they valued
more than life it 'self, our freedom and safety, both yours and mine!

The apostle Paul writes in Romans 13:7 in part, "give respect and honor to
all to whom it is due." I believe that those in the military are deserving
and worthy of respect and honor. The whole passage in Romans 13 talks about
governments being in place because God planned it that way. They provide for
our protection and safety, because God planned for them to do that. In fact
he says to pay your taxes so that they can continue to do the work he

What's your idea of honoring someone? The military is part of the plan that
God made to protect us and keep us safe and free, surely we should show
honor more that one day a year! Yet, this is the "official" day on which we
recognize those who were willing to give more than just lip service to
something which they held true in their hearts.

I would like to challenge you today to take time more than once a year, to
remember and honor those who have made it possible for you to set and read
these words. Remember them while you still can do so, while they are alive,
but never forgetting those who are gone.

Memorials are good! Each week we have a memorial service for our Lord in the
form of Communion. It has a purpose of helping us never forget the sacrifice
Jesus made in his war with Satan, one in which he willingly gave his life.
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:23-25: "For I received from the
Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was
betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said,
"This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the
same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new
covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."

That's what Memorial Day is all about isn't it, remembrance! In our desire
to honor the fallen, don't forget to remember our Lord also. Not just once a
year, but every day of every year.

Russ Lawson

BP and stopping the oil leak

38 days have now passed since the explosion and sinking of Deepwater Horizon, an offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. 11 men who worked on that rig are missing and presumed dead. That alone makes the explosion of the BP-owned rig a disaster.
You know, however, that there is another disaster that continues into this 38th day. A leak of between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels of oil each day has yet to be stopped. Various approaches have been tried and have all failed. Presently there is a "top kill" method being tried, where tons of drilling mud are being injected into the hole. The idea, of course, is to seal the hole and stop the leak.
The problem is much more than the loss of precious oil. For years we've acknowledged that the United States consumes far more oil than can be produced from our own resources. The necessary import of crude oil to keep our nation running leads to diplomatic nightmares.
Added to the waste of a valuable commodity is the destruction of natural wetlands. Our hearts break at the sight of innocent waterfowl and other marsh creatures fighting for survival in the oil-saturated environment. If the leak is stopped today (and there's no promise that can happen), the damage will take many years to undo, if it can ever be undone.
Take that image of black oil gushing into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico and apply it to yourself. Imagine that there is within your soul a hole that is allowing pollutants to enter. Think of the damage those toxins are causing. It's a frightening scenario, isn't it?
Truth is, there's not just one hole like that to our souls - there are two. Here's what Jesus said on the matter: "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:22,23).
Achan was one who didn't stop the leak that eventually destroyed him and his family. Despite an order to all the soldiers in Israel's army, Achan took some of the spoil from Jericho. He later explained what happened: "When I saw among the spoils a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them ..." (Joshua 7:21). Had he acted quickly to stop the leak (i.e. turned his eyes away from the objects that tempted him), he and his family would have fared much better.
The things upon which we gaze can have an effect upon our souls. "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me" (Psalm 101:3). Do you think David knew what he was talking about? What if he had acted quickly to "stop the leak" when he looked upon Bathsheba one evening (2 Samuel 11:1-5)?
Our most pressing challenge is to keep our souls pure (James 1:27). When we discover portals through which the world spews its poison into our souls, we shouldn't just sit there enjoying the view. We need to act with urgency!
Timothy D. Hall.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hubert H. Humphrey quotes

"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously."

Hubert H. Humphrey, 38th Vice President of the United States, under Lyndon B. Johnson, and U.S. Senator from the state of Minnesota (1911-1978)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marion Morrison

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
John Wayne, (a.k.a. Marion Morrison) American film actor, director, and producer (1907-1979)

God is a good giver

Often, the "golden verse" of the Bible is cited to show God's love: "He gave His only begotten Son" (John 3:16).  From the creation to the cross, God's giving is faithfully recorded in the book He moved men to write.  Yet, it is an exciting discovery to see that God still gives.  Jesus and New Testament writers give testimony to the present tense giving of God.  Such teaches us to be givers and to be grateful for His ongoing benevolence in each of our lives.  Have you considered what God gives? He gives:

--Life to the world (Jn. 6:33)
--Whatever you ask of Him (Jn. 11:22)
--To all life, breath, and all things (Ac. 17:25)
--An inheritance (Ac. 20:32)
--Life to the dead (Rm. 4:17)
--The increase (1 Cor. 3:7)
--The victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57)
--Life to all things (1 Tim. 613)
--Richly all things to be enjoyed (1 Tim. 6:17)
--To all liberally and without reproach (Js. 1:5)
--More grace (Js. 4:6)
--Grace to the humble (1 Pt. 5:5)
--The tree of life to him who overcomes (Rev. 2:7)

In teaching a child to have a good, strong character, wise and thoughtful parents will instill the habit and inclination of expressing gratitude for the gifts others give to him or her.  It is distasteful and crude not to do so.  Yet, how often and how long do we go without expressing gratitude to God for gifts like the above-mentioned things?  Let us learn from God's generosity, appreciate it, and duplicate it.
Neal Pollard

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A graduation sermon: A sermon for graduates

.--Mike Benson

Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

"Books are but waste paper unless we spend in action the wisdom we get from thought."
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton, English poet, novelist, and politician (1803-1873)

Monday, May 24, 2010

"It is more important to watch how a man lives than to listen to what he says."


Best way to learn the Bible

Developing a passion for learning means learning and growing in whatever environment you find yourself.  It means making your growth dependent on you and not others.  How do you develop a passion for learning?  There are three essential mindsets.
NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU KNOW NOW.  Be careful of the "I already know this" attitude.  In your spiritual life, are you growing as a Christian or are you making that someone else's responsibility?  In your relationships with spouse, children, and with people in general, never be satisfied with what you know about them.  This is also true of your ministry as an evangelist (Eph. 4:11-16).  In every area of life, this mindset requires self-motivation and self-evaluation (Jas. 1:22-25).

RECOGNIZE THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS; LEARNING AND GROWING TAKE WORK.  People are looking for the easy way.  They want the fad diets, but the formula is still eat less and exercise more (work).  They want the get rich quick schemes, but the method is still spend less and save more (work).  The only shortcut is working hard!  Obstacles are important.  They show how determined we are to succeed.  They show how important the goal really is.  Consider Olympic record-setter Michael Phelps' workout routine.  He trains six hours a day, six days a week without fail.  Even if Christmas or Thanksgiving day falls on a training day, he does a full day of training.  He swims approximately 50 miles each week, which is over 8 miles per training day.  How determined are you?  It is not always going to come easy!!  2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Be diligent to present yourself approved of God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of God."

DO THE EXTRA WORK, EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT.  If you are only motivated by the reward or the recognition, life is going to be hard.  The extra work causes you to be stronger, deeper and more committed to God.  In Galatians 1:10, Paul says, "For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God?  Or am I striving to please mean?  If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.

Learn to grow!  These mindsets can help you develop a lifetime passion for learning.  Remember Peter's closing words of encouragement to his readers to "grow in grace and knowledge" (2 Pet. 3:18).
Mike Hite

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tá sé mar ding de féin go roinntear na darach

"Tá sé mar ding de féin go roinntear na darach."
"It is a wedge of itself that splits the oak."

Numbers 31:1-11

Twelve thousand men went into battle, from each of the
tribes of Israel. The opponents were the Midianites, a
people who knew nothing nor cared anything about God.

By anyone's standards, it would be a risky venture, and
lives were certain to be lost. But Israel had God on
their side, and they completely defeated the Midianites
(Numbers 31:1-11).

Next came the part everyone dreaded: Counting the
fatalities from the battle. The report brought to Moses
is given in verse 49: "... Your servants have taken a
count of the men of war who are under our command, and
not a man of us is missing" (NKJV).

Not one soldier was lost in battle that day, though the
Midianites were completely routed. Again, it pointed to
the presence of God among them. They had surely been

The officers who brought this amazing report to Moses
brought something else that day:

"Therefore we have brought an offering for
the Lord, what every man found of ornaments
of gold: .. to make atonement for ourselves
before the Lord" (Numbers 31:50).

They were impressed with God's care for them in
dangerous circumstances, and they wanted to do
something to show their appreciation.

Sometimes we realize how greatly God has blessed us. It
may follow an accident in which no one was seriously
injured, or the recovery of a loved one from illness,
or a job opportunity that somehow came along at the
right time.

People of faith don't regard such times as
"coincidences;" they see God's hand in it all. They
know they've been blessed.

And then what? What do we do when we see how richly God
has blessed us? Does life continue on as usual, or do
we take time to show God our gratitude?

Luke wrote about ten lepers who begged Jesus to cleanse
them of their awful disease. As they were going to show
themselves to the priest as Jesus had directed them,
they suddenly realized they were now clean! It had to
be the work of God, and they were undoubtedly
overwhelmed with joy.

One of them, however, stopped what he was doing to go
back to thank Jesus. Jesus then commented: "... Were
there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were
there not any found who returned to give glory to God
except this foreigner?" (Luke 17:17,18).

When we take time to count our blessings, we will see
God's hand in our lives. Once we have seen how richly
he has blessed us, will we turn back to him and thank
him? Is there any gift we can give to show how thankful
we are for his abundant grace?

by Tim Hall

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Proverbs 5:1

We have had a few people upset at our congregation in the past couple of
weeks because of something they heard. It seems that they learned that my
wife and I are moving next week and following Sunday I will be preaching in
a nearby city. I know that some may be shocked to read those words; some may
even be confused, while other may be relieved.

More often than not we hear (or read) the message we want to hear, which
sometimes may differ from the actual message which someone was trying to
express. I'm sure you have experienced that sometime, especially if you are
a man! My wife has at times accused me of not listening closely enough to
her, at least that's what I think she said.

Why don't we pay closer attention to what is being said? That's not a new
question or a new problem is it? The writer of Proverbs wrote a couple of
thousand years ago: "So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my
words." (Proverbs 5:1, NLT)

The problem however, is not confined just to husbands or children, but
reaches every aspect of our world, but none is so critical as our paying
attention to the Words of God. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the
preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which
are saved it is the power of God."

There are so many people in our world who refuse to pay attention to what
God has to say. They want to trust in what someone tells them or some
philosophy taught by men and women in our colleges or some world leader.
They often look at the church and those who preach or teach with distain. To
that mindset, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:20-21: "Where is the wise man?
Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made
foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world
through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness
of what was preached to save those who believe." (NIV)

So, what do you choose to hear? Now back to my opening statement. Yes, my
wife and I are moving this week. We are moving, but it is only from one
subdivision to another in our community. And Yes, I will be preaching at a
nearby city the next Sunday. I have been invited to preach in the evening,
just to get to know our sister congregation.

You see, sometimes we hear, but we don't really listen. At times we jump to
conclusions without the full story, or refuse to listen to true wisdom, the
wisdom of God. So, listen and pay attention to the words of God. They are
the Word of Life!

Russ Lawson

Wilson Mizner

"The worst-tempered people I've ever met were the people who knew they were wrong."

Wilson Mizner, American playwright and entrepreneur (1876-1933)


Samuel Coleridge Water, water, everywhere

"A Thirst For Companionship"


"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink!"  Samuel Coleridge

wrote those words at the end of the 18th century in his poem, "The

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner".  The poem is a chronicle of a long ocean

voyage filled with mysteries and danger.  At one point the ship lies

in a dead calm and drinkable water is nowhere to be found.  The thirst

of the sailors is a cruel irony as the vessel sits atop millions of

gallons of water.


There is another thirst within most of us, a desire to find

companionship.  One would think such a quest to be simple; there are,

after all, billions of people who inhabit this planet.  Almost all of

us live in communities where large gatherings of people can be found

easily.  Sporting events, shopping malls or department stores, or the

local park are places where other people commonly congregate.


We're not looking, though, for large numbers of people.  We're looking

for just a few who share common views, whose personality is compatible

with our own.  We often look upon the multitudes as the thirsty

sailors looked at the saltwater beneath them: Yes, it's there, but

it's not what I need.


Adam was surrounded by life in the Garden of Eden.  The Lord had made

to pass before him all of the animals He had created, but "there was

not found a helper comparable to him" (Genesis 2:20).  The need was

obvious to the Creator: "It is not good that man should be alone ..."

(Genesis 2:18).  Eve, the first woman, was the solution.  She was the

"helper comparable to him".


Ruth felt she had found a true companion in her mother-in-law Naomi.

Though Naomi urged the young lady to return to her own family after

the death of Naomi's son, Ruth would not hear of it: "Entreat me not

to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever

you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people

shall be my people, and your God, my God" (Ruth 1:16).  Many have felt

envy that Naomi had such a devoted companion for the rest of her life.


More famous than Ruth was her great-grandson David.  The one who would

become the second king of Israel found a faithful companion in

Jonathan, son of Israel's first king: "... the soul of Jonathan was

knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul" (1

Samuel 18:1).


Is it possible for us to find such trustworthy companions?  Yes, said

the wise man: "... there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"

(Proverbs 18:24).  Where, though, do we find such friends?


Paul gave the answer; true and genuine companionship can be found in

Christ's body, the church.  "... holding fast to the Head, from whom

all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments,

grows with the increase that is from God" (Colossians 2:19).  In

Colossians 3:14 Paul again pointed to Christian fellowship: "But above

all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection."  In

Christ's body we find the potential for the strongest relationships of



Don't expect perfect relationships, not even in the Lord's church.

But if you're looking for people with whom you can bond, the church

has been designed for just such friendships.


Come to the light God offers!  Study His word, the Bible.  Worship Him

in spirit and truth (John 4:24).  Get in touch with us if you'd like

to discuss these ideas further.

Timothy D. Hall.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Laurence Olivier

"Have a very good reason for everything you do."

Laurence Olivier, English actor, director, and producer (1907-1989)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

political speak


News events of the past few weeks have provided me with some fertile fields to plow, editorially speaking. As we go through this little study today I'm sure you'll no doubt recognize some of them. The general theme of today's lesson centers around "political speaking" and "lawyers," who are mostly the ones that are either the subject of the event, or are the ones doing the "speaking."

A prime example of what's under consideration today is the daily news blather regarding former Presidential candidate, John Edwards, and his adulterous affair with a woman other than his wife. Why I'm citing this example to you is because it fits both categories - Edwards is a "lawyer" and he engages in "political speak."

As is typical in these types of news events, when first brought to the public, he denied that it ever occurred. Not long thereafter, when the evidence mounted and became overwhelming, he "fessed up." The Bible calls that a LIE and those who do such are LIARS. But politicians don't call them lies, they say that they "misspoke." And there you have another example of "political speak." Hopefully, by the time we get to the end of this missive, you'll realize that the Bible does not "speak politically" but rather calls it what it truly is.

Another example of "political speak" emanating from the mouth of politician/lawyer Edwards, is what he called his illicit and adulterous affair - a "liaison." Now you have to admit, "liaison" sounds a whole lot smoother and more palatable than "adultery," doesn't it? And keep "smoother" in mind for a few minutes.

It almost makes one think of a "luncheon" or a "business meeting" instead of what really occurred. It was just a "liaison." I'm reminded of the song Julie Andrews sang in the movie "Mary Poppins" entitled "Spoonful of Sugar." You remember how "it makes the medicine go down?" The use of "political speak" is like adding a little sugar in the form of words that don't sound so bad and thereby making the incident easier to stomach.

I'm also reminded of the story about a preacher who once preached a sermon on "SIN" and exactly what the Bible said about it. Afterwards he was approached in his office by one of the elders of the congregation who requested that he not talk so plainly about "sin" in his sermons. His reasoning was, that if the preacher talked so much about it the youth of the congregation might more easily become "sinners." The elder asked him if he could just use the word "mistake" instead of using the word "sin."

The preacher's reply addresses both the elder's request and the point of our lesson today. Here is how he responded to the request that he "tone down" the language of his sermons.

After thinking for a moment, the preacher walked over to a shelf and picked up a small, glass bottle of Strychnine. The word "POISON" was written on the label in big red letters. He said, "I see what you want me to do. You want me to change the label. To call this something like "Essence of Peppermint" or something equally nice sounding. But don't you see what will happen when you do this? By making the sound of it milder, you make it much more dangerous."

You see, calling something by a different name or word doesn't change the thing from what it really is. Calling an "adulterous affair" a "liaison" doesn't make it not "adultery." See, an "adulterous affair" is, in effect, a "liaison" of sorts, but a "liaison" can be something far different than an "adulterous affair," thus doesn't sound as bad.

The use of the word lessens the impact in the hearer's mind as to what truly transpired, thus "changes the label." And, therein lies the more danger - it's not perceived as being "sinful behavior," but just a casual event between human beings. Nothing to worry or be alarmed about. Nothing to worry our souls about.

I've got to hammer on lawyers for a moment, because, in my opinion, they are the authors of "political speak." Even clear back in Christ's days on the earth, they were engaged in this type of language. And, in the book of Luke, especially the 11th chapter, we see Christ upbraiding them many times for their "mispeaking" of The Law. For their "misleading" of the people by their "interpretations" of God's Law.

And that, my friends, is exactly what a lawyer is - an interpreter. See, it's not the politicians that "write" the laws, they simply devise them. They are actually "written" by lawyers into legal language. And, since lawyers "write" them, it takes a lawyer to interpret them. The common people don't speak the language, thus the need for an interpreter. Think about it, in Jesus' day, the common people had to rely on the lawyers/scribes, who were in cahoots with the Pharisees, to tell them what the law said. And, according the Christ, weren't doing a very good job of it.

The reason was, that the scribes/lawyers had written so many "traditional laws" into the original, that a common person couldn't really know what was approved or not. Had to go to the "interpreter" to find out. What the lawyers had "written" and added in Christ's day was what we today call "case law." And we need an interpreter for exactly the same reason as the Jews of Christ's day did. Want another clue? - do you ever wonder why the "legal language" of the law today is "Latin?" One has to go to law school to understand the legal, Latin terms.

I've opined enough for one editorial so I'll dismount from my soapbox for a week, but please remember this if nothing else: changing the words to sound smoother, to speak politically rather than calling something what it truly is, doesn't change it one iota. A sin is still a sin. And this whole lesson is nothing new. I refer you to some words of Isaiah, found in chapter 30, verses 8-10 where God tells His prophet to tell the people what He thinks of their not wanting to hear what His Law really says. They didn't want to hear "right things" they wanted to be spoken to with "smooth and deceitful" words.

No, mincing words and smooth talking is not of recent invention. There were leaders clear back in ancient Israel who engaged in "political speak" and used verbiage designed to be easier on the ears of their listeners. God was not pleased with it then and I, for one, believe that His opinion of it hasn't changed.

Ron Covey

Katherine Anne Porter,

quote from Katherine Anne Porter:
"There seems to be a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons, and even in the cycle of human life. But human life itself is almost pure chaos. Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own rights and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own."

Katherine Anne Porter, Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist and novelist (1890-1980)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Signs of a dead church

The only sign of life that some dead churches show is when they resist a preacher who is trying to wake them up.

WHAT IS A VETERAN? A definition of a veteran

Next Wednesday morning I will leave Ontario, California with approximately
300 military veterans on motorcycles headed for Washington DC. on what is
known as the "Run For The Wall." I will be accompanying them as one of the
official support vehicles. This is my second year of service in this
capacity. The purpose is to help keep America aware of those POW's and MIA's
still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. And also, to remind America of
the sacrifices of all its veterans of past wars and those currently serving
in the military. I'm honored to again be chosen to participate in this
endeavor, but I'm also a little troubled by the fact that America has to be
reminded about their sacrifices.

But man has always had to be reminded of things done for him and of
blessings bestowed, hasn't he (we)? Throughout the history of ancient Israel
God commanded them to observe certain feasts and certain days and to place
certain monuments in locations for the express purpose of putting them "in
remembrance" of what God had done for them.

In the New Testament we find the same purpose being given for the memorial
of the Lord's Supper instituted as a commemoration of Christ's death, burial
and resurrection. In 1Cor. 11:24-25 we find the words "this do in
remembrance of me." God, man's Creator, knows full and well that we have a
propensity to forget things. Don't we? I'm going to leave shortly for a
hardware store to purchase a tool because I can't remember where I put the
other two that I own. 'Nuff said.
For the rest of my time and space here today, I'm going to devote it to some
thoughts on veterans and I think that as you read these thoughts, you just
might be able to exchange the word "veteran" with the word "Christian" and
find that the thought fits there also.

At the Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, is the "Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier." Inscribed on the monument of that tomb are the words:
"KNOWN BUT TO GOD." I have just a quick thought about that - in Matt. 10:29
Jesus says that "not a sparrow falls without the Father." If God knows when
a sparrow falls, I'm convinced that he knows when a veteran/Christian falls.
And wouldn't you say with me, that both are in the "line of duty?"

For the remainder of this editorial, I'm going to provide you with the words
of an essay entitled "What Is A Veteran." I've taken a little literary
license here and edited it for space purposes. If you're like me, I'm
reminded of someone that fits about all of the descriptions given of
veterans. And, as mentioned earlier, as we see veterans described in
relation to service to our nation, think about Christians and their service
to God and the cause of Christ.

Some veterans bear visible signs of their service....a missing limb, a
jagged scar, a certain look in the eye. Others may carry the evidence inside
them...a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg....or
perhaps another sort of inner steel...the soul's ally forged in the refinery
of adversity. Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept
America safe wear no badge or emblem. You can't tell a vet just by looking.
What is a vet?

He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating
two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out
of fuel. He may be a loudmouth, or dumber than five wooden planks, but his
behavior is outweighed a hundred times over by four hours of exquisite
bravery near the 38th parallel.
She or he is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep
sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang. He is the POW who went
away one person and came back another - or didn't come back at all. He is
the parade-riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a
prosthetic hand. He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and
medals pass him by.

He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns whose
presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory
of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the
battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.

He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now and
aggravatingly slow who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all
day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares

He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being - a person who
offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country
and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice
theirs. He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness and he
is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest,
greatest nation ever known.

He is the beggar on the street corner, holding up a piece of cardboard
with the scribbling, "Help a Vet, HUNGRY!"

So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just
lean over and say Thank You. That's all most people need and in most cases
it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were
awarded. Two little words that meant a lot, "THANK YOU." (Auth. Dennis Edw.
O'Brien, USMC)
In closing, let's carry that thought one step further - let's say "Thank
You, God" for sacrificing Your Son and "Thank You, Jesus" for being obedient
to the cross. Without either of those sacrifices, we would have no hope of
anything better than this earthly existence. And another "Thank You" we
should never forget - all of the valiant Christian veterans who "fought the
good fight," especially those who served in our vineyard/battlefields and
taught us. THANK YOU!

Ron Covey

How to "give thanks in everything" - 1 Thessalonians 5

The sky this morning is clear and a vibrant blue. The sunshine is bright and temperatures are pleasant. I give thanks to God for these conditions. Would I do the same if it were rainy, cold and overcast?
Gratitude comes easily when our health is good and our finances are in the black. When problems arise, however, our focus turns to those negatives. We find it difficult, if not impossible, to thank God during such times.
A story has been told about Matthew Henry, famous commentator on the Bible. On one occasion he was robbed. He was known for being grateful, but how would he react to this cloudy day?
In his diary, Henry wrote the following: "Let me be thankful first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed."
Paul's directive in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 is clear: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"(NKJV). His instruction in Philippians 4:6 is aimed toward times of trouble, but note again the presence of thanksgiving: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
Why is thanksgiving given prominence in God's plan? Because it provides perspective, a point of view I need during times of struggle. When I kneel in prayer to ask for help in my present crisis, thanksgiving will remind me that God has blessed me in the past. If he came through for me then, will he not be faithful to come to my side now?
November is the month for the holiday known as Thanksgiving. For Christians every day should be an occasion of gratitude to God.
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to him, and bless his name" (Psalm 100:4).
Tim Hall

Friday, May 14, 2010

We Need You, Lord" by Joanna Fuchs

       As I like to do on occasion, I came about a good poem that can hit home with many people in our culture and the church.  It is called "We Need You, Lord" by Joanna Fuchs.
We need you, Lord.
Like lost wanderers in a burning, empty desert
thirst for cool, clean water,
we long for you to quench us.
In a world gone progressively mad,
with chaos all around us,
we seek refuge in the order and purpose of your law.
With evil sneaking, leaking everywhere,
spreading heavy darkness,
creating feelings of emptiness,
we hunger for your goodness and light.
Turn us around, Lord, we pray;
retrieve your sheep who have gone astray.
Draw us to the satisfaction
of your purity and righteousness.
Cleanse us, and make us more like you,
role models, examples, beacons,
for others who are searching for meaning for their lives.
Come, Lord Jesus.
We need you, Lord.
       We truly should have an intense desire and thirst for the Lord and for righteousness (Matthew 5:6).  In many ways, our world has been going astray as the poem suggested.  Sadly, we do see our culture being more and more accepting of sin.  Then, as a result of sin and our culture, some in the church have fallen away.  However, we are the ones who can be the good examples and lights to guide the lost back to the Lord (Matthew 5:16). 
       Let's continue to thirst for the Lord.  Let's remember that we are lights to the world.  And let's never become too numb that we no longer think we need God.
Brett Petrillo

Benjamin Franklin, U.S. Founding Father (1706-1790)

In the past few weeks, we've celebrated a couple of holidays that relate to and remind us of one of the terrible calamities of this world. War. A philosopher once said that "humanity has but three great enemies; fever, famine and war." Well, he was right to some extent, but he left out the greatest enemy of mankind, Satan. We'll discuss this more a little later on in this editorial.

Yes, war, as man wages it and the world knows it, is a terrible thing. No one in their right mind, wants war as we think of it. It's not fun. It's not glamorous and heroic as depicted by the movies, but rather it is intense fear, filthiness, discomfort and suffering for those who participate and survive. It is death to those who do not survive.

Probably one person who is more than qualified to speak of war and describe it accurately is a famous General, William Tecumseh Sherman. He is the originator of the phrase, "War is Hell," but I would like you to hear the whole statement from which those three words came. He was addressing a graduating military class when this was said. "I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell."

Benjamin Franklin is the one who said, "There never was a good war or a bad peace." As regards man-made warfare, he is right. But, here again, we'll discuss this further a little later on. In sort of a humorous vein, I like the words of Stephen Vincent Benet, who said that if we had to have one, to "make war on the men - the ladies have too-long memories."

I suppose that, if we had the time and the inclination, we could study all of the wars that ever occurred and I betcha we'd find one thing in common in just about all of them. That the mind of some man or men brought the war about by the advocation and commission of policies that are of an unGodly nature. If the minds of men were Godly in nature, we would never have to worry about being involved in a war.

But, man's minds are not so, are they? The minds of men are both noble and base, but it's the baseness that most often wins out over the noble. Minds that have given the world great discoveries, like many of the medicines we have and inventions that truly benefit mankind also bring us some of the most terrible atrocities imaginable. Following is what I consider a classic example of this.

A very gifted and brilliant man once invented what he thought would be something that would be used for peaceful purposes and would be a great boon to man. But then, other minds turned this invention into tremendous implements of destruction and have used them against each other ever since. So distraught over the destructive use of his invention, he set aside the sum of 9 million dollars for the awarding of annual prizes, with one of them being a prize to a person who most promoted peace. Yes, Alfred Nobel, best known for the Nobel Peace Prize was the one who gave the world dynamite.

There have been other weapons invented that have caused man to say that their invention would make war obsolete. That they were so terrible and devastating that, man would not engage in war. The machine-gun was one of them. It was so devastating when fired, that man would be fool-hardy to start a war with these in existence. And, of course, the atomic bomb ended World War II with Japan and supposedly that weapon would end all future wars. What none of these people who said these things took into consideration was, that man's base nature and mind would figure out a way to use these inventions against their fellow man and will continue to do so.

But, back to the things we said that we would discuss later in this article. Is there, like the philosopher said, only three great enemies of man? No, as mentioned, he left out man's greatest enemy, Satan. Satan is called the "adversary" of God, the "prince of this world" and "the Devil." As such, he is God's enemy and he is waging warfare against God on a constant basis. The battlefield is here on earth and the spoils of this war is the souls of men.

But, God also has an army. Christians. We are the army of God and it is our duty to go to war against Satan. Several scriptures indicate that we are at war with Satan and his followers. In 1 Pet. 2:11 we see that Christians are warned to "abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." That is one of the weapons that Satan is using against us in this war. And we know that Satan is the enemy because Peter further tells us in 1 Pet. 5:8 that he is like "a roaring lion who goes about seeking whom he can devour." This is why Paul tells us in Eph. 6:10-17 about the uniforms of God's army and the only weapon we are to use.

In 1 Tim. 1:18 Paul is telling Timothy that he is committing a "charge" to him. This charge is mentioned earlier in verses 3 (teach no other doctrine, or in other words, hold onto and teach the truth) and then in verse 5 where he says, "Now the end of the commandment is charity, out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned." In verse 18, Timothy is then told that by keeping this charge, he "mightest war a good warfare." Later in Chapter 6:12 Paul tells him to "fight the good fight" and by doing so he will "lay hold on eternal life."

And, we must never lose track of where our army's strength lies. In God and His Word. Many, many scriptures tells us this. Throughout the Psalms, David tells us over and over that God is our source of strength. Almost as if he was giving us a pep-talk, in Psa. 27:14 he tells us to "Wait on the Lord and be courageous and He will strengthen our hearts." And in 27:1 he says that the Lord is the strength of our lives, so "of whom shall we be afraid." In 28:7 he says that God is our "strength and our shield." In 2 Tim. 4:17 Paul is saying that, even though others had deserted, God "stood with him and strengthened him.

I guess one of the most appropriate verses, in regards to where our strength lies, is found in Isa. 41:10. Here God is telling His people "Fear not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

In closing, I offer a short poem, whose author is anonymous. It came out of one of our wars and is simply known as A Soldier - His Prayer.


Stay with me God. The night is dark,

The night is cold: my little spark

Of courage dies. The night is long;

Be with me God, and make me strong.


Ron Covey

How should we treat divorced Christians?

How do we treat and minister to those of our Christian family who have been through the throes of divorce?  Certainly, not every divorcee is cut from the same cloth.  Some may have given up on their marriages, but many did not.  A great many are the victim of a mate's sexual unfaithfulness.  Others did not ask for the divorce, but had no power or choice in the matter. Yet, whatever facts describe the divorced Christian's circumstance, we must keep some important things in mind.

  • Divorced Christians are still our spiritual family.
  • Divorced Christians are likely struggling with loneliness and isolation.
  • Divorced Christians are coping with several losses: loss of identity, loss of role and task, loss of relationships, loss of security, etc.
  • Divorced Christians may be concerned about perception--how others view them or what judgments others make about them.
  • Divorced Christians feel misunderstood, like others do not understand that through which they are going.
  • Divorced Christians matter to God just as much as Christian couples and families.

What can we do to minister to divorced Christians?

  • Do not pretend nothing has happened in their lives.
  • Do not avoid them; to the contrary, reach out to them and love them.
  • Do include them in church programs and activities, being mindful that divorced Christians are often overlooked.
  • Do remember to include them when you pray.
  • Do extend fellowship and hospitality to them.

God loves and cares for sparrows and says His children, all His children, are of much more value than those birds (Lk. 12:6-7).  Some of our most talented, useful, and caring Christians just happen to have been divorced.  Let us determine to show them that we know such a fact does not negate their value to the kingdom of God.  In some circumstances, it may increase that value.  
Neal Pollard

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elbert Hubbard

"He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words."

Elbert Hubbard, American editor, publisher, and writer (1856-1915*)

First Corinthians commentary:  Get the new First Corinthians commentary from  Preview the First Corinthians commentary through Google books at  Other Bible commentary material from includes a FREE on-line Romans commentary:  

Monday, May 10, 2010

A sermon on Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42

--Mike Benson

Lancaster, New Hampshire


It was my privilege to accompany Kathy to spend the weekend with the Lord's church in Lancaster, New Hampshire.  The church there numbers about six on a typical Sunday.  Kathy spoke on a ladies day and there were about 20 ladies from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.  We had 10 on Sunday morning.  Tom Jackson, a Bear Valley graduate the Alpha Alpha Class (1979), is the preacher for the Northern Valley church of Christ.  He has spent many of his years since graduation persevering in the very difficult work that is ministry in the northeast.  A few weeks ago, in Utah, I learned the same about the state of the church there.  Less than two dozen congregations exist in that Mormon- dominated state.
My impression, worshipping with these saints, is that the sweetness of fellowship is intensified in how rare and precious it is.  In an area where there are tens of thousands of people, there are less than 20 Christians assembling.  You won't find singing that fills the building with full, gorgeous voices.  You won't the hustle and bustle of people filling up the seats and crowding in together.  You will find a handful of Christians thrilled to have each other's company and longing for their numbers to grow.
God has made the church a place where this kind of fellowship and kinship should exist.  It should be a place where we know about each others' lives and care about each others' well-being.  If someone is missing at Northern Valley, everyone is concerned and finds out why. That seems to be the approach of the first century church.  I am resolved not to take for granted the vital, fragile, and vibrant nature of the fellowship we enjoy with one another.  May we appreciate the tie that binds us together!
Neal Pollard

Talking behind someone's back


Saturday, May 8, 2010

What is war? A definition of war.

War never determines who is right, only who is left.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Zacharias was mute for 9 months

    Imagine that you were a mute for nine months. In those nine months thoughts of great importance would run through your mind but you would find yourself unable to express them to others. It would be hard to go one day without speaking, but to go nine months would certainly be an aggravating experience. However, imagine that this happened to you. Consider what your first words would be when you were once again able to speak. Would you use your words to complain about the nine months you just went through? Would you use them to discuss your thoughts that you previously had not been able to express? Would you use your words to speak to someone you missed speaking with? Certainly, there are a lot of ways that we could use those first words. However, when this very thing happened to Zacharias (the father of John the Baptist), his first words were used to praise God. Luke recorded that "Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, praising God" (Luke 1:64). There is no greater use for our tongue than to praise the God who gave it to us. Lets make sure that our words are used to bring praise to God. 
Garrett Bookout

Cé go bhfuil dea-eagna ag an tús, tá sé níos fearr ag an deireadh

What does "Cé go bhfuil dea-eagna ag an tús, tá sé níos fearr ag an deiread" mean?

Though wisdom is good in the beginning, it is Better at the end."

Sermon illustration for mother's day

If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in its place, but have not love, I am a housekeeper--not a homemaker.  If I have time for waxing, polishing, and decorative achievements, but have not love, my children learn cleanliness - not godliness.  Love leaves the dust in search of a child's laugh. Love smiles at the tiny fingerprints on a newly cleaned window.  Love wipes away the tears before it wipes up the spilled milk. Love picks up the child before it picks up the toys.  Love is present through the trials. Love reprimands, reproves, and is responsive. Love crawls with the baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child, then stands aside to let the youth walk into adulthood.  Love is the key that opens salvation's message to a child's heart.  Before I became a mother I took glory in my house of perfection. Now I glory in God's perfection of my child. 

As a mother, there is much I must teach my child, but the greatest of all is love. 

Author Unknown


Thursday, May 6, 2010

A sermon on the prophet Elisha

"Unseen But Real"
My love affair with technology was renewed recently as I purchased a handheld gadget to help keep track of things. On this device I can keep track of my schedule, find phone numbers for friends and associates and even check my e-mail. No, it's not a smart phone, but it's pretty close. I've already spend a few fascinating hours using it for various tasks.
As I downloaded a program recently I reflected on what was happening. The wireless router through which I received the signal was located a room or two away. I could see nothing floating through the air, but certainly something was there. The very information I had requested was streaming my way, and soon the results were on my handheld device. Unseen, but very real.
Such phenomena have been with us for longer than computers and the Internet. Electricity, for example, flows through the wires in our walls without our notice. Even if you strip away the plastic cover of the wires (not recommended!), you won't be able to tell when current is flowing, unless enough is flowing to heat the wires to a glowing red. Yet every day we enjoy the benefits of this unseen reality.
Before electricity was harnessed there was magnetism. You can't visibly detect the force that draws metal objects to the magnet, but neither can you deny that a force is present.
The Bible informs us of other unseen realities around us. Paul, in urging us to protect ourselves with items from God's spiritual armory, proclaimed this: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
Many will scoff at the idea of spiritual forces doing battle, doing their utmost to pull us away from God. "I don't see anything!" they will laugh. Do they deny the reality of wireless Internet?
The prophet Elisha found himself in what others saw as a crisis. The city in which he was staying was surrounded by soldiers who had come to arrest him. Elisha felt no concern and stated to his young assistant that "those who are with us are more than those who are with them" (2 Kings 6:16). Then, to show the young man the truthfulness of his claim, he offered this prayer: "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see" (2 Kings 6:17). At that point the assistant saw the army of the Lord surrounding the army of the Syrians. The Lord would again deliver His servants.
During His ministry on earth, Jesus performed amazing miracles. Among the most amazing was the opening of the eyes of the blind. But He helps more than those who are physically blind, wrote Paul: "But has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" (2 Timothy 1:10).
As we stand before an open grave, we don't see immortality. If we trust the Lord's promises, however, we know that the hope of everlasting life, though unseen, is nonetheless real. And that's what motivates us to place our lives in His hands. Speaking of His hands, that's something else we can't see, but we know they're real!
Timothy D. Hall

Maurice Maeterlinck

"When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough."

Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist (1862-1949)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A sermon on Christianity: What is a Christian?

Please do not misunderstand me.  I am not one of those preachers who says that there are different forms of Christianity, such as this brand, that denomination, or other types.  A Christian is one who obeys God's plan of salvation (Rom. 10:17; Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 10:10; 1 Pet. 3:21), who is placed by God Himself into the church of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:47; Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:22-23).  By "forms" of Christianity, I mean:
  • The Christian is INformed.  According to Deuteronomy 17:10, the process of teaching and hearing the Bible involves the recipient ("You"), the requirement ("shall do"), the realm ("All that"), the respect ("which the Lord chooses") and the result (taught).  Through faithful study, the Christian knows so much:  Christ (1 Jn. 2:3), how he or she was redeemed (1 Pt. 1:18), the emancipating power of truth (Jn. 8:32), and the danger of trying to serve both Lord and world (Js. 4:4).
  • The Christian is REformed.  Because of Christ, we live in the time of "reformation" (Heb. 9:10).  What this means is clear from context, that the reformation was paved by the incarnation ("Christ being come"), ministration ("an high priest"), propitiation ("His own blood for us"), and redemption ("obtained eternal redemption") of the Savior (Heb. 9:11).  But, Christ also reformed the worship and the way we approach God.  Therefore, we can and must reform the way we live our lives in light of what He's done for us.
  • The Christian is CONformed.  Christians we predestined by God to be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29).  We are fashioned like unto Him.  So, we conform ourselves to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).  Through conversion, we are "made conformable unto His death" (Phil. 3:10).  To enjoy eternal life, we put to death a lifestyle devoted to willful sin.  This is possible through being confirmed to the will and desire of God's Word.
  • The Christian is TRANSformed (Rom. 12:1-2).  There is "change" involved in pleasing God.  We change our focus (Col. 3:1-2), our priorities (Matt. 6:33), some friendships (Js. 4:4), our masters (Mt. 6:24), and our hearts (Acts 3:19).  The transforming power, of course, is in the gospel which convicts us (Heb. 4:12).
God wants Christians on this earth to make a difference in the Lord's church and in the world.  The word needs to see these forms of Christianity in our lives.  How are we doing?
Neal Pollard

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


       I read an interesting poem that I thought was good enough to share.  It is called "God's Boxes" (Author Unknown).

I have in my hands two boxes
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes
Both my joys and sorrows I stored.
But though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity I opened the black
I wanted to find out why.
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused
"I wonder where my sorrows could be."
He smiled a gentle smile and said
"My child, they're all here with me."
I asked God why He gave me the boxes
Why the gold, and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings
The black is for you to let go."

            While this poem presents a fictional story, it also presents some biblical truths that are good to be reminded of.  (1) Count Your Many Blessings.  It is shocking how often we dwell on the negative and completely forget the astonishing blessings we enjoy.  If we literally counted all of our blessings, would we not be surprised by how many blessings we have and how much we take for granted?  Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ."  There are so many joys in this life.  Let's remember the blessing we enjoy.  (2) Give Your Sorrows to God.  Throughout Scripture we are reminded that God is here to help with our troubles.  We are told to cast our anxiety on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).  We are told not to worry about our lives in the things we need (Matthew 6:25f).  We are told that those who are weary and heavy-laded can find rest with Christ (Matthew 11:27).  Many other verses teach similar truths (Jeremiah 31:13; Isaiah 61:2; Matthew 5:4; Revelation 7:17; etc). 

I am so glad God has given us the avenue of prayer so we can bring Him our joys and sorrows, knowing that He will take care of everything.  What an amazing resource to utilize!  As we go through this life, there will be terrible sorrows, but there will also be wonderful blessings.  Not matter what sorrows happen throughout our lives, let's bring them to God.  He cares for us and will ease the load.  And let's always remember to count our blessings and thank God for, because they are always much greater than we realize.

Brett Petrillo

Monday, May 3, 2010

A definition of "war"

War never determines who is right, only who is left.