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Monday, August 30, 2010

One more profile!

Social networking site retaggr now has an "abible" listing here:

"abible" profile

is now on another great social networking site! See it here:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bible commentary profile on socialurl

Add your web site work to this increasingly popular social networking site!  Here is a sample profile:

Bible commentary profile

The "abiblecommentary" materials are now part of!  Find the latest updates on line here:

Uncle Eddie

Well, I'm safely back from my whirlwind trip to see Uncle Eddie and, for anyone that's interested, he hasn't changed a bit. Except for his self-description of "I'm getting shorter and my feet are getting bigger." He can't understand why this is and it's bothering him. But, that's not all that's bothering him and, as usual, he was full of questions that I couldn't adequately answer. At least not to his satisfaction anyway.

It's so blooming hot there that he has to stay inside during most of the day and so all he does is watch news programs on TV and this is where he gets all his ammunition (questions) that he fires at me. The hot topic this trip was the new bridge being built at Hoover Dam. "Why does it cost so much money? The old one worked just fine." I tried to explain that cars, buses, trucks etc. are much bigger now than they were in the '30's when the original bridge was built - plus more of them now.

Wasn't good enough. The old one still worked and the new one is a big waste of money. I gave up. At least I was smart enough NOT to bring up the 650 million dollar high school in Los Angeles. If he thought the bridge was a giant waste of money, no telling what he'd of said about the high school.

But, in my efforts in trying to contrast the "old" bridge with the "new" one, and in trying to explain the conditions present, I got to thinking about contrasts in the "religious world." In particular, the current debate regarding Islam (Muslims) versus Christianity. I've paid attention to what the various "sides" have had to offer on the subject, plus done some research on my own and I'd like to opine here for a moment if I may about some "contrasts" I've noted.

This will not be a textbook on this subject, nor will it be "in depth." This will simply be my thoughts, using some points that I've noted that contrast with what the Bible says on those points. My first thought/point about Muslims is, that someone we label a "terrorist" they see as the most God-fearing person in the world. In other words, someone who straps a bomb to their person and walks into a crowded place and detonates this bomb, killing themselves and many others, is a "religious hero" in the Muslim religion.

Now here's the contrast as I see it. Christians are told in several scriptures that we are engaged in a warfare, but that it's a war that is "not after the flesh." (2Cor. 10:3) and goes on there to say that our "weapons are not carnal." God's people are fighting a war with His arch enemy, Satan, and Paul tells us in Eph. 6 those famous words about this type of warfare and what defenses we're to have and also what our only weapon, our "sword" is to be. He said much the same thing to Timothy about what kind of "warfare" we face and what our weapons are. (1Tim. 1:18)

But, not only Christians, but anyone non-Muslim is considered an "infidel" thus, according to their "scriptures" are worthy of being killed and whoever kills the "infidels" is a hero of their faith. It is a religion that was started with the sword, has been spread by the sword and still has the same credo today. Only the sword is now modern explosives.

In my humble opinion, there lies the major contrast between Christianity and Islam. That our "warfare" is not "fleshly or carnal" and has never been so constituted. Christians are to spread the Gospel by living exemplary lives and teaching non-Christians the Truth by our "good works." Peter says this explicitly in 1 Pet. 2:12 and says that the end result of this is God would be "glorified."

The "works" prized by Muslims can in no way be called "good." No, the "works" by which their Allah is glorified is the murdering of innocent people, the more killed by one event the better, and if the killer happens to blow themselves up in the doing of it, they're a hero of the faith.

One more contrast with Islam and then I'll get down off of my soapbox for awhile. There are just too many passages to reference here, but believe me when I tell you, that throughout the Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, LYING, DECEIVING, BEARING FALSE WITNESS ETC. is condemned by God. That "liars" have their reward awaiting them in the "lake of fire". (Rev. 21:8) Someone who "lies" is an "abomination" to God. (Prov. 12:22)

In the Muslim scriptures it's okay to lie and deceive a non-Muslim, an "infidel." Well, if you stop and think about it, if it's okay to murder them in the name of your religion, lying to them is nothing. It's their duty to deceive the "infidels." Their god looks favorably on this. It's certainly not an "abomination."

In case anyone is wondering, these things that I've mentioned here are things that I've heard said by Muslim leaders in some of their speeches and the reports on those speeches. Plus, during my working years, I used to teach classes to other police officers on the various sects of Muslims and their philosophies.

In closing this editorial about religious contrasts, let me sort of change gears a little and leave you with another example of religious contrast. In Matt. 7:12 we have Christ giving what men have designated as the "Golden Rule:" "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so them..." What I'm pointing out here is the "positiveness" of this "rule." Now, I'd like you to look at what some other "religions" maxims say along this same line of thought.

Brahmanism: "This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others which would cause pain if done unto you."

                    Buddhism: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful."

Confucianism: "There is one maxim of loving kindness; do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you."

Islam: "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself." (Isn't this interesting?)

Judaism: "What is hateful to you do not to your fellow man. That is the entire law, all the rest is commentary."

Taoism: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain and your neighbor's loss as your own loss."

My aim today is for you to notice the positive aspects of Christianity versus the negativeness of the false doctrines we war against in this world. Somehow, the term "negative" just isn't enough to cover the contrast with Islam.

Ron Covey





Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bible commentary on friendfeed

A GREAT "social networking" site is friendfeed; I created a free "Bible commentary" profile here:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ingrid Bergman

"Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get."

Ingrid Bergman, Swedish actress known for her starring roles in American films (1915-1982)

An illustration for deliverance

Perhaps the fact that my father was a coal miner has
sensitized me to the story out of Chile. Maybe my
amateur explorations of undeveloped caves helps me feel
for those men.

From the moment I first heard the story about 33 men in
Chile trapped in a mine since August 5, I've kept up
with the reports.

Efforts to rescue the men are proceeding around the
clock. For a time no one was sure they were even alive.
Now we know that they all survived the entrapment, but
we also know that it will take months to free them.

Keeping those men alive until the deliverance can
happen is a monumental challenge.

Deliverance, as all will admit, is not a certainty.
Yes, great effort is being expended and experts from
around the world have offered their wisdom on how to
proceed. But keeping those men fed, hydrated and sane
for several more weeks will not be an easy task.
Deliverance may happen, or it may not.

Those whose spiritual eyes have been opened know that
we are looking for deliverance on a grander scale. The
world in which we live is badly marred by sin and
mankind has incurred the wrath of God by disobedience.

What will be the result of this spiritual rebellion?
"...a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and
fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries"
(Hebrews 10:26,27, NKJV). Sooner or later the roof
will fall in, and guilty sinners will be swept into
everlasting destruction (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

There is hope, however. God saw our dilemma and did not
abandon us in our earthen tomb. The provision he made
is "...his son from heaven, whom he raised from the
dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to
come" (1 Thessalonians 1:10).

That wrath will fall upon sinners. But Jesus can
deliver souls from such misery. That deliverance is

God's ability has already been demonstrated on a
smaller scale. He "delivered righteous Lot, who was
oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked" (2
Peter 2:7). Living in a city doomed by its depraved
inhabitants, Lot was nonetheless rescued before the
fire and brimstone began falling.

Hear the testimony of Paul, if you still doubt God's
ability to rescue: "Who delivered us from so great a
death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that he
will still deliver us" (2 Corinthians 1:10).

Pray for the miners trapped underground in Chile and
for those trying to deliver them. But Jesus doesn't
need our prayers because "he is able to deliver thee!"
by Tim Hall

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bible commentary listing *big sight*

There is a new "Bible commentary" listing for the "a bible commentary" profile here:

Johann Gottfried Von Herder

"Say oh wise man how you have come to such knowledge? Because I was never ashamed to confess my ignorance and ask others."

Johann Gottfried Von Herder, German poet, theologian, and philosopher (1744-1803)

National Park Service

A bad knee has kept me from my beloved mountain hikes for the past
year or so (I hope to have that addressed in the near future).  While
I was still able to get out, though, I carried my cell phone with me.
Getting a signal out in the wilds is usually a dicey proposition, but
in the event of accidents or getting lost it's nice to have a backup
plan.  New technology has its benefits.

Finding a device that is simply a phone is quite a challenge these
days.  Phones have become smart and can do lots of things other than
transmit voices over long distances.  One popular feature of most of
these gadgets is the ability to play music.  No signals are needed to
trek a forest trail while ear buds relay throbbing tunes from your
smart phone.

Such habits have led the National Park Service to add to their list of
contributing factors to park accidents.  In addition to the ageless
dangers of darkness and wild animals comes this modern hazard:
inattention to surroundings.  How can one hear the warning rattles of
a diamondback while wearing noise-canceling headphones?  One is more
apt to stumble over tree roots if they are absorbed in their text

Would you wear dark sunglasses to view a vivid rainbow?  If not, then
why would you drown out the soothing sounds of birds, babbling brooks
and wind in the pines with man-made melodies?  But, aesthetic
considerations aside, the National Park Service wants you to know that
technology can increase your odds of injury.

Watchfulness is a trait often urged by the writers of God's word.  We
have an enemy who is as vicious as a lion and he stalks us, wrote
Peter; we should therefore "be sober, be vigilant" (1 Peter 5:8).  In
all of my hiking experiences I've encountered a bear only once (and
that at a distance).  Peter, however, warns that a lion is tracking
me, and he wants to make me his next meal.

Earlier in his letter Peter spoke of being wide-eyed and alert:
"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your
hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the
revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13).  Eugene Peterson helps us
to grasp the impact of this apostolic alarm in "The Message": "So roll
up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready ..."

One of the few righteous kings mentioned in the Old Testament was
Jehoshaphat.  On one occasion, however, he was found in the company of
wicked King Ahab.  After narrowly escaping death in an ill-advised
battle, Jehoshaphat was rebuked by a prophet of God: "Should you help
the wicked and love those who hate the Lord?  Therefore the wrath of
the Lord is upon you" (2 Chronicles 19:2).

It shouldn't have been difficult for Jehoshaphat to see he was in
ungodly territory; idolatry was prevalent in Ahab's reign.  Yet the
righteous man appears to have been inattentive to his surroundings and
exposed himself to unnecessary temptation.  He was fortunate to

When was the last time you checked your surroundings?  Are you in
spiritually safe terrain?  Have you heeded the admonition of Paul: "Do
not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits'" (1 Corinthians
15:33).  Dangers abound; let's be fully alert as we travel.

Timothy D. Hall.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On line business cards

Create your own "on line business cards" and increase your on-line presence. Here is an example from one "on line business card" web site:

Thomas Jefferson

"For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead..."

Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States and principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1743-1826)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I joined "streem" -

Check out my new "Bible commentary" profile on streem!  Here is the link:

True Philanthropy

Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg are men who need little introduction. Gates, founder of the Microsoft empire, and Bloomberg, mayor of New York City, are both rich beyond imagination. On Wednesday of this week, they declared their intention to pool some of their resources for a worthy cause.
The focus of their efforts is an attempt to curb smoking in developing nations. Most in the United States now know that smoking cigarettes poses serious threats to one's health. People in other countries, like China and India, have not been adequately warned, believe Bloomberg and Gates. Together they have pledged half a billion dollars to fight "a global tobacco epidemic."
We applaud the efforts of these billionaires. Their actions qualify as an example of philanthropy. Perhaps others will be motivated by their examples to be more generous on behalf of others.
The word "philanthropy" comes from the Greek, the language of the New Testament. "Phil" refers to "love" and "anthropos" is the word for "man". The word is found in the Bible, most notably in Titus 3:4-5: "But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared ... he saved us ..." (NKJV) "Love" in that verse is translated from "philanthropia," and is a concept upon which our salvation depends. Had God not felt this love toward man, we would have been abandoned in a hopeless struggle with sin.
If God's love for mankind shows itself in clear and powerful ways, should God's people not also seek to show their love for others? Can we be described as philanthropic?
Helping people attain healthier lifestyles is a noble aim, but it falls far short of helping them reach salvation. On this point, Paul's questions continue to demand an answer: "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?" (Romans 10:14,15).
Imagine the eternal good that could be accomplished with half a billion dollars! Missionaries could be placed in distant locations; radio broadcasts could preach God's word where congregations do not yet exist; food, clothing and shelter could prepare the way for the gospel in areas ravaged by natural disaster. People will only be able to call upon the Lord when they know about him. Tragically, millions in our world have still not heard of Jesus.
We can't wait for a Bill Gates or a Michael Bloomberg to fund the spread of the gospel. But thousands of Christians can step forward with smaller amounts, and this "seed" will go far in reaching the lost (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-11). While individual giving to charitable institutions declines, disciples who trust the promises of God must demonstrate their superior philanthropy.
Tim Hall

Alice Miller

"Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger, but faces it head-on."

Alice Miller, American writer and poet (1874-1942)

Monday, August 23, 2010

I joined

Koda is an interesting "social networking" site - I joined and here is part of my profile: 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bits and Pieces

There was either a newspaper or a magazine, I don't recall which, that used to have a column entitled "Bits and Pieces." It was written about several short articles that wasn't enough, in and of themselves, to fill up the whole column, yet in their brevity they made some good points. I'm going to try using that format today.

B&P number 1. This one deals with our choices in life and I'm going to present it with the illustration of warfare (in a sense). There's an old hymn in a lot of our songbooks entitled "Stand By Me." In the second stanza of this hymn is the phrase "Thou Who never lost a battle, Stand by me." Now let's look at choices briefly.

We go through life making choices, don't we? Let me direct your attention to the most significant choice of all - choosing to follow God's laws and precepts or not. If one chooses NOT, then that one is choosing to follow God's "adversary." One of the most important things we can know from a study of the book of Revelation is, that we know who the ultimate winner will be. So, if I was going to war and was going to enlist in one army or the other, I think I'd choose the "General" who "Never lost a battle" to "stand by" and follow.

B&P number 2. We see constantly in the news (ad nauseam) the reporting of various "polls," don't we? There are pollsters running every which way and all parties and politicos seem to have one. Here's my little thought on "polls."

Why take polls? Why see who thinks what? Here's my simple take on the subject. So that they know what the popular way to go is. IE: which way the majority leans. Thus, I'll say and do what the majority thinks. My spiritual thought in this regard - I think a lot of people choose their religion by the same method. Oh, not polls, but by what's popular. What's "hot" at the moment. Who offers the best entertainment or the most perks for the attendees.

Remember what God said in Exodus 23:2? "Do not follow a multitude to do evil." The majority is not always right. What's RIGHT is RIGHT! As a matter of fact, when it comes to the religious realm, the majority will be found to be wrong. (Matt. 7:13-14) And, I have a PS for you: God has the best "perks" because they last forever.

B&P number 3. Unless you have a mind like mine, one that likes things of a "trivial nature," you've probably never heard of a man named William Linklaw. You won't be able to say that in a minute though. And, for some of us at least, he might just be an important person, as you'll see in a moment.

A couple of hundred years ago, William Linklaw was taken to court and sued by his church congregation, charged with "singing badly in church." According to the testimony of the members, he had a terrible voice. He was convicted of this charge by the County Court, but he appealed the decision to the North Carolina Supreme Court and they overturned the verdict given by the County Court. They said, "Every American has the right to sing in church regardless of whether their voice is good or bad." (See what I meant by his importance?) Now here's the tie-in to our lesson.

Mr. Linklaw was a person who wanted to obey God's Word in that he wanted to "sing" praises to God. To worship as God commanded: "Singing and making melody in your heart." (Eph. 5:19) In taking his court case a step further, here's my lesson point to this "Bit and Piece."

Many "religions" today have choirs, bands and some even orchestras that are used to offer musical praise for the rest of the attendees. Only the "good voices" get to sing the praises for the congregation. I call this "singing by proxy." My thought is, if we can have proxy singers, then why even bother to go to church? Just designate someone to attend for us. Isn't one "proxy" as good as another?

My last Bit and Piece is what I'm going to refer to as my "manifesto." Or, by definition, my "position statement" as an editorialist. Here's how I'll state it.

Pursuant to Christ's directive "to teach" (Matt. 28:19 and also 2Tim. 2:2) I believe this directive applies to all Christians. For them to use whatever ability they have in the furtherance of this command. I follow this directive, to the best of my several ability, whether in classroom teaching or in writing editorial-type lessons.

I'm going to issue a "caveat" here regarding my lessons. But first, I want to mention a passage found in Luke 10, verse 16. Notice these words: "He that heareth you, heareth me..." Hear what? Hear Christ's message to the world, the Gospel. We know by scripture that this Gospel came from God, The Father, taught by Jesus Christ and delivered to the saints by the Holy Spirit. (Reference: John 16:13, John 17:7-8 and 2Tim. 3:16-17)

Therefore, by extension, all who preach or teach the Gospel are speaking for Christ. (Eph. 3:10-11) So, my "caveat" is: always check my words and the scriptural references to see if I'm speaking "The Truth."

And now, my "manifesto:" It's my hope that in whatever I say, with tongue or pen, that I speak for Christ. That the words I offer have His blessing, and so long as I "speak the truth in love..." (Eph. 4:15) I can be assured of having it. However, should my lesson offerings depart from "The Truth" then I would not be speaking for Him and would not be blessed in my efforts. Nor should I expect to be.

And, if ever found to be speaking or teaching falsely, then I will fit that description left us by Paul in 1Cor. 15:19: "I am of all men most miserable."

Ron Covey

Friday, August 20, 2010

Plumbing a leak

       My wife and I have been in the midst of a bathroom remodel lately.  It is always interesting how much more difficult a project becomes once you actually get into it.  Earlier this week we replaced our vanity and hooked up all of the plumbing.  At first everything looked great until a couple of hours later my wife noticed water coming through our basement ceiling...again!  That's right, this is not the first time we have had water coming through the wonderful barrier hanging above our heads.  In fact this is probably the third or fourth time we have had a plumbing issue.
       Well, after about an hour and a half, 4 holes cut into the walls on 3 different floors, and two of those holes expanded, the problem was finally found.  As it turns out, the people who had originally patched up the plumbing in this house did a poor job.  Their job not only resulted in our current problems, but it very possible could have caused severe problems in the future.  In fact, it was so bad that once our plumber started to repair it, the pipe pulled clean out!  Thankfully, the damage done by the leak ended up being minimal.
       When our plumber finally left about 12:30 that night (about 5 hours later), I laid in bed and could not help but think about the ordeal we just endured and some spiritual applications.  Too often people focus only on the outside.  We want to have a beautifully designed house and rooms.  We want to have the newest and shiniest cars, computers, etc.  We want to look perfect on the outside (physically, spiritually, etc).  We want to appear like have no struggles or problems.  But when we think about it, what point is there to having a great house if a plumbing issue in the walls can destroy it all?  What point is there to having an incredible looking car if the engine is about to blow up?  What point is there to having the best computer if it is about to give out and cause you to lose all your work?
       There is no point in having something or someone looking great on the outside if there is potential disaster on the inside.  Quality on the outside is not necessarily an indicator of quality on the inside.  In Matthew 23:25-27 says, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." 
       Beauty on the outside can so easily be destroyed by problems on the inside.  Let's remember that beauty on the inside is so much more important than beauty on the outside.
Brett Petrillo

Beagle dogs

Well, I had a appointment with my doctor this last week and she prescribed a
salve for a "skin irritation" I had. The medicine came and for some unknown
reason I actually started reading the little sheet of paper that came with
it. "Most" of the time I do not do this, but I did this time. Part of the
sheet titled "CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY" read this way: The cream "was applied
dermally to intact or abraded skin of Beagle dogs for 28 consecutive
days.there were no detectable plasma levels."

I don't know about you, but I like Beagle dogs, I had one once named "Dolly"
and she was a sweetheart. OK, so I had a couple of thoughts about this.
First, am I using "dog medicine" or second, how is the dog going to tell
them if they have a reaction they feel, but the lab guys can't see? You see,
this statement really didn't make me feel better. When I read on to the
"CONTRAINDICTIONS" section, they didn't even mention the Beagle dogs or how
they felt after using the cream. However under the "PRECAUTIONS" section I
did learn that "Wistar rats showed no evidence (did not seem to) produce
cancer." However they are unsure as to what effect it might have on the milk
of nursing mothers.

I understand that they have to test this stuff on something, but there just
might be some things that it would be better to leave off these little
information sheets.

That's the problem with mankind trying to heal ourselves, it seems that
there is always a sacrifice of some kind by someone. More times that we like
to, we hear about some medicine being recalled because of "adverse side

Wouldn't it be great if we had someone practicing making people better
without the "adverse side effects?" But wait, we do don't we? His name is
Jesus! Granted he is not here to lay his hands on folks anymore or make mud
and put it in their eyes or to heal their leprosy, but that's only the
physical part of things, not the part that really matters.

Jesus reminded his followers in Matthew 6:19-21, "Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be

As Christians we come to understand that it is not life on earth that really
matters, but rather our life after we leave this earth, the time we get to
experience God and His love first hand. All we do must be in preparation for
that time when our physical body gives out. I love the verses Paul writes in
Romans 8:35-39 to encourage folks. Notice again what he says. "As it is
written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as
sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death
nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our

Yes, I'll try and take care of this body as best I can for as long as I can,
even with dog medicine if necessary. But what I'm really looking forward to
is that time when I won't need any of that kind of stuff anymore. That new
heaven, and that new worry free body! I REALLY feel better knowing that!

Russ Lawson

Exodus 20:4

How people yearn to have some visible object to
venerate! Most religions feature statues and images to
which worshipers offer food, drink and precious
objects. Shrines dot the landscape of nations across
the globe and pilgrims make long treks to bow before
these "sacred" relics.

The true God, however, commanded his people not to
engage in such behavior.

   "You shall not make for yourself a carved
   image — any likeness of anything that is in
   heaven above, or that is in the earth
   beneath, or that is in the water under the
   earth"(Exodus 20:4,NKJV).

Though idols were often erected in Israel, God
consistently viewed them as abominations.

Why would God forbid what seems to be such a natural
human impulse? Consider some of the erroneous views
people have had of their "deities" and you'll see the
wisdom of God's orders.

Isaiah challenged the people of his time who ignored
the prohibition on idols. He mocked the man who used
the same tree for different purposes:

   "And no one considers in his heart, nor is
   there knowledge nor understanding to say, 'I
   have burned half of it in the fire, Yes, I
   have also baked bread on its coals; I have
   roasted meat and eaten it; and shall I make
   the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall
   down before a block of wood?'"(Isaiah

Can God be fashioned by the artisans of our time? Whose
representation of the Lord will resemble him most? Will
any of their representations resemble the true God?

Another failed attempt to represent God is found in
Daniel 2:11. Nebuchadnezzar's magicians could not
reveal the king's dreams. "It is a difficult thing that
the king requests, and there is no other who can tell
it to the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not
with flesh."

These men were partly correct: Only God can reveal
dreams, a truth to which Daniel quickly agreed(Daniel
2:27,28). In saying that God does not dwell with
people, however, they were mistaken. Jesus would
disprove that false view (Philippians 2:5-8).

The wise man will conclude that he can know nothing
about God except what God reveals to him. God made that
very point in Isaiah 55:8,9. Instead of creating an
image of God that we desire, let us learn the lesson of
Habakkuk 2:20: "But the Lord is in his holy temple. Let
all the earth keep silent before him."

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted
among the nations, I will be exalted in the
earth!"(Psalm 46:10).
by Tim Hall

Paul Tillich

"The first duty of love is to listen."

Paul Tillich, German-American theologian and philosopher (1886-1965)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What are the veils in 1 Cor. 11?

Women and head coverings:  What were the "veils" or "head coverings" in 1 Cor. 11? Are woman today to be "veiled" or "have their heads covered" during worship?  Were the head coverings in 1 Cor. 11 just a custom?  Learn about "women and head coverings" with this Bible study article:

Spiritual DUI

Most are familiar with the acronym "DUI".  "Driving under the
influence" is a serious offense in every state and is virtually
guaranteed to bring strong consequences.  The problem occurs when
people use intoxicants - either alcohol or some other drug - and then
attempt to drive.  How can a person make split-second driving
decisions when their ability to make judgments has been slowed?

There are other influences, too, that can impair one's ability to
drive.  Much attention has been given in recent months to texting.
One news story today raised the question of whether a famous plastic
surgeon may have been texting just before the car crash that claimed
his life.  Can you really keep focused on the road while responding to
the message you just received?

Now we're told that dogs should be viewed as another source of
distraction while driving.  The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has
found that 80% of drivers say they have transported their pets in
their vehicles, but only 17% restrain those pets in a cage or in some
other way.  Authorities advise pet owners to make use of pet seat-belt
restraints or special carriers when transporting them.

6,000 lives are lost each year because of distracted driving,
according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  You
may be a teetotaler, but driving under the influence of a dog is also
a big mistake.

The most important journey on which each of us has embarked is our
journey toward eternity.  We have only this life to make our
preparations for what lies beyond.  Words like these in Hebrews 9:27
should get our attention: "And as it is appointed for men to die once,
but after this the judgment."

Satan doesn't want us to make that journey safely.  He knows how to
distract us with all sorts of glittering influences.  As we gaze upon
these diversions we miss turns that we should have taken and fail to
brake for obstacles that lie in our path.

Jesus teaches us about this danger: "Now he who received seed among
the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and
the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful"
(Matthew 13:22).  Those who are intent on growing strong in the
spiritual life must frequently check for distractions.  Those vining
weeds will choke the good we set out to attain.

In Paul's last letter he appealed to Timothy to come to him quickly,
"For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world ..." (2
Timothy 4:10).  That's precisely why John sounded this warning to all
Christians: "Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If
anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John

Life could not have been any better for Eve than what she had in the
Garden of Eden.  Satan then entered the scene, enticing her to eat the
one fruit God had forbidden.  "You will not surely die," hissed the
serpent (Genesis 3:4).  But he lied and they were distracted from
God's will.  The rest of their lives were spent in regret; "If only we
had kept our focus on God!"

Be careful not to drive under the influence of a dog.  And by all
means don't live under the influence of a serpent!

Come to the light God offers!  Study His word, the Bible.  Worship Him
in spirit and truth (John 4:24).  Get in touch with us if you'd like
to discuss these ideas further.

Timothy D. Hall

Channing Pollock

"A critic is a legless man who teaches running."

Channing Pollock, American playwright and critic (1880-1946)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Salmonella from turtles

As a child in school I always looked forward to the time we called "show and tell."  It was a time when students would either tell a story that they thought was interesting or bring something of theirs to the class.  Students would generally bring a new toy, baseball card collection, or something similar.  Occasionally a student would bring a pet, this was always fun because we would get to play with the pet for a little bit.  I remember one time when a student brought his pet turtle.  I thought this was really neat and I could not wait until it was my turn to hold him.  However, I also remember my teacher being very stressed about this particular reptile.  She would watch each student hold the turtle then watch each student wash their hand very good afterward.  I always wondered why she did this; she did not act in such a way when other pets were brought it.  Recently, I learned that reptiles carry Salmonella (a disease that can be deadly).  Those who handle reptiles need to be very careful to wash their hands after touching them to kill the bacteria.  Not only that but these reptiles can leave salmonella on places that they touch. I am thankful that my teacher knew this and acted so cautiously when the turtle was brought to class. 
Several months ago when I was doing my daily Bible reading I came across a passage I thought to be very interesting.  This passage is found in the section of the Bible we know is classified as Law.  Moses was giving the law to the children of Israel and he stated, "These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth: the mole, the mouse, and the large lizard after its kind; the gecko, the monitor lizard, the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and the chameleon. These are unclean to you among all that creep" (Leviticus 11:29-31).  Moses went on to discuss that if they touched one of these animals they would be unclean.  The surface that these animals touched would be unclean.  This passage once again shows the knowledge of God and His concern for His people.  At this time they did not know the reptiles carried salmonella, but God did.  God knew of its dangers and he protected the children of Israel from incurring this disease. This passage is probably one that is skimmed over in our Bible reading.  However, this passage teaches the great love of God for His people.  It also teaches us that the God we serve is omniscient. 
--Garrett Bookout

Marshall Field

"Things to remember:
1) The worth of character;
2) The improvement of talent;
3) The influence of example;
4) The joy of origination;
5) The dignity of simplicity;
6) The success of perseverance.

Marshall Field, founder of Chicago-based department stores, Marshall Field's & Co. (1834-1906)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

George Herman "Babe" Ruth

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."

George Herman "Babe" Ruth, American professional baseball player (1895-1948)

Monday, August 16, 2010

America's Christian foundation

Is American a "Christian nation"? Was the United States founded on "Christian principals?" Did the founders intend for America to be a "Christian nation"?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Uses for vinegar


When it comes to spiritual lessons I like those that are based on a general theme, don't you? Lessons that use something of a common nature by which a spiritual connection can be made. You know, like Jesus did when He taught in parables. I like it when the teacher or preacher takes some common, everyday thing and applies it to things seen in God's Word. I'm going to make an attempt to do this today and hopefully it won't be a feeble one. The general theme for today's editorial is "food" or variations of it. Let's see what develops.

My first thought relating to "food" stems from a phrase I happened across a while back in a news item that also speaks to a phenomenon of speech that, in our current age, we call "political speak." The general topic of the news article was regarding "hunger" or the lack of food in a very poor area. However, they didn't use the word "hunger," the author used a phrase of "political speak" that painted a whole different picture of what the situation really was. He referred to this dire situation as "very low food security."

In other words, people are starving to death here but, we don't want to alarm or upset anyone by showing the truth of the matter. "Hunger" and "starvation" just sounds way to harsh so we'll just pretty it up a bit. In the same fashion as when the politicians and the media refer to adulterous affairs as "liaisons." And, when caught red-handed in a lie, they refer to it as "they misspoke."

My spiritual application to this "food item:" I'm convinced that when we have to face our Judge that we'll have to "give an account" of all our words (speech) at that time. (Mt. 12:36) And, even if we try to say that we "misspoke" we will not pull the wool over the Judge's eyes and He'll recognize it for what it was - a lie. Christians are admonished to always speak the truth and not lie. (Eph. 4:25) And using "prettier words" or "political speak" doesn't make it not one.

The next "food item" we'll discuss is "vinegar." Now I know that probably all of us know something about vinegar and about many of it's benefits to man. I'd like to share a little information with you about this "food" that you might not be familiar with and might not have ever considered a particular "Biblical passage" in this light. Let me set the scene for you.

The place is Golgotha or Calvary and Jesus has been nailed to His cross. There were various scoffers present and they, in a "mocking" manner, offered him some "vinegar." (Lk. 23:46) Now, knowing how vinegar tastes, you'd almost immediately think that this was just further torture, wouldn't you? After a little research, I don't think that's the case here. Allow me to explain myself further.

First let me direct your attention to John the 19th chapter. Just before Christ uttered His final words, in verse 28 He said, "I thirst." Notice what "they" did in verse 29: "they filled a sponge with vinegar" from a nearby vessel full of it, "put it on a hyssop branch, and put it to his mouth." When He had "received the vinegar, He said, 'It is finished', bowed His head and gave up the ghost." (vs 30)

It doesn't identify who "they" were that gave Him the vinegar, but we know that His earthly family and disciples were there at the foot of the cross. It's reasonable to me that it was "they" who gave Him the vinegar. But, what about the Roman soldier we mentioned earlier? I see an interesting connection here between the soldier, the family and the vinegar.

If you do a little historical research you'll find that the soldiers of the Roman army were issued a ration of vinegar (or sour wine) on a daily basis. They used it because it was a better thirst reliever than plain water. Plus it had other health benefits to them. They called it "posca."

Vinegar was known to be used by the Babylonians, the Egyptians and the ancient Chinese. But, as to the family of Jesus, in Bible times, vinegar was used as a flavoring for other foods and as medicine. Take a look at Ruth 2:14 for a scriptural reference to "flavoring" aspects of vinegar. It would have been a very common "food item" in Judea and, considering its thirst-quenching benefits and its general usage among the Jews at that time, I have no problem seeing a "vessel" of vinegar present at the occasion of Christ's crucifixion.

Being now aware of the historical background of vinegar and its benefits/usages, I would offer the thought that the Roman soldier did "mock" Him as He was on the cross by "offering" Jesus vinegar, but not delivering. Sort of waving it in front of Him. But then a short time later, "they" (someone) did give Him some because He was thirsty. I just don't see the "vinegar" as being a part of the torture as we are wont to think. Something to consider, anyway.

Closing "food item" thought. In the grocery business they have a term that identifies certain kinds of food stuffs. These foods are referred to as "perishables." These are foods that need to be bought and used within a relatively short period of time. Another way of saying it is; they are subject to not lasting.

Let me just run with this thought a moment. Isn't everything on this earth, including the earth itself, "perishable?" Isn't everything "not lasting?" And "everything" especially includes us "human beans." And, keeping with the grocery aspect, you might even say that the earth and all therein have a "shelf life" and be correct in saying it. Yes, everything about us and this environment is "perishable."

This got me to thinking about what is NOT "perishable" and after wracking my brain (not much to "wrack" about) I came up with this thought as a closing consideration: when you boil it all down - take it to the lowest, common denominator - there's only two things NOT PERISHABLE. Two things that are PERMANENT or ETERNAL.

        One - heaven and all therein. The inheritance of the righteous. (Rev. 22:3-5)

        Two - hell and all therein. The inheritance of the unrighteous. (Mk. 9:48)

The lesson here: my body is "perishable." My soul is not, therefore my soul will live in one of the two locations shown above. I really don't see much of a choice here, do you? I think my soul will like it much better where there is light, beauty, peace with God and Christ FOREVER rather than living in utter darkness, torture by fire, where the worm never dies, with Satan and his angels FOREVER.

Ron Covey


There are passages in Matt. 27:34 and Mark 15:23 that speak about "vinegar" at the crucifixion of Christ, but for space considerations I used the two in Luke and John. I just wanted you to be aware of Matthew and Mark.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Testament Christianity

What is "New Testament Christianity" and who are "New Testament Christians"?  Learn about New Testament Christianity and the New Testament church with this article:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sermon illustration for Matthew 6:19-21

       A man by the name of John Legend is the recipient of six Grammy Awards.  While I personally have not heard any of his music and cannot vouch for any of it, I did read an interesting article about him.  As many of us know, a Grammy Award is a very prestigious award and is greatly treasured in our society.  During a recent visit to his apartment, John's nephew accidently broke this prized possession.  This award was for "2005's Best R&B Album."  Surely this was a very treasured Grammy.
       If this happened to you, how would you have reacted?  Most of us probably would have been pretty upset and even angry with the nephew.  Many people who read the article were calling for this nephew to be severely punished.  Despite their suggestions, John just said it was an accident and moved on without any hint of anger. 
       As we read of this story, one point may come back to mind for us today.  Matthew 6:19-21 says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 
       Even though a Grammy is a very treasured reward, it is just a temporary object.  There is really no deep seeded value or anything that would reach beyond this life.  We have all probably had many significant achievements and milestones in our lives.  However, what does it matter if we win 20 Grammy Awards, or a Nobel Prize, or create an incredible business, or have billions of dollars, or gain the entire world if in the end we lose our souls (Mark 8:36).
       Let's keep in mind that our true treasure is in heaven, not on earth.  In heaven, our treasures cannot be broken by those pesky nephews, or anything else for that matter.  Treasures on earth are nice, but they will never compare to the treasures in heaven.  Let's stray away from our culture in valuing earthly treasures so much, and work on laying up more treasures in heaven.
--Brett Petrillo

Ben Hogan

"As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only
get to play one round."

Ben Hogan, American professional golfer (1912-1997)

"As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only
get to play one round."

Ben Hogan, American professional golfer (1912-1997)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Izaak Walton

"Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter."

Izaak Walton, English writer (1593-1683)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Charles Buxton

"You will never 'find' time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."

Charles Buxton, English businessman, writer, member of Parliament, and philanthropist (1823-1871)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Christian Friedrich Hebbel

"Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion."

Christian Friedrich Hebbel
, German poet and dramatist (1813-1863)
Bible commentary: Get a free "Bible commentary" books at today!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Doing the will of God


    Here is the context: Jesus has been explaining what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. Then one asks, "Lord, are there few that will be saved?" Jesus responds by saying, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate, for many, I say unto you will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."

            Ask yourself, who seeks to enter into Heaven?  Answer: Religious people.  That is, Jesus says that many religious people will seek to enter into Heaven but will not be able to do so.

            Who are these religious people seeking to enter into Heaven but will be unable to do so? Letting the Bible interpret itself, we find the answer in Matthew 7:21. In this verse, Jesus makes it very clear that all who do the will of the Heavenly Father will enter into Heaven. That is, the failure of anyone to go to Heaven will be because of their failure to "do the will of the Father which is in Heaven."  Therefore, to answer the above question, the "many" who are seeking to enter into Heaven but will not be able to do so, are religious people who are not doing the will of God.  In other words, it takes more than just being "religious" to be saved. We must be "religious" according to His Will.

            In Matthew 7:22, Jesus gives us a picture of Judgment Day, saying that many religious people will argue that they spent their lives "doing many wonderful works, prophesying, and casting out demons, all in His name!"  Yet, He will say to them, "Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23).  Since Jesus had just said that all who do the Father's Will, will go to Heaven, then even though these people were devoutly religious, and even though they tagged the name of "Jesus" on all they did, still, the good things they were doing were not being done in harmony with God's Word, and they were therefore lost.  This is not popular Bible teaching, but it is "profitable" for those seeking to be saved. As Paul writes, "I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you..." (Acts 20:20).

            It is important that souls who are striving to be saved do good works (Titus 3:8), but even good works have no eternal value unless they are accomplished according to His Will, and not according to the will of any group of men who meet to decide what "their church" will believe and accept, or how it will worship.                               


--Toby Miller

How to understand the sermon on the mount

.,.5:39. .
. .....Some.misquote.and.misapply,."Judge.not,,".and.think.that.any.judgment.of.any.sort.,.7:1.
. ......
.. ..................Pride.hinders.your.fellowship.with.God..
. .
. ...............When.we.joke.about.divorce,.make.light.of.brutality,
. ...............When.we.ignore.the.Lord'