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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Proverbs 21:22

"A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in
which they trust" (Proverbs 21:22 NASB). Wisdom is the mightiest muscle man
can develop. Wisdom is worth pursuing because it helps us to overcome the
obstacles in our lives. Men often put their trust in the strength of their
arms or in the fortifications they have built. Intelligence, however, can
over come any strength and take down any fortification. Wisdom is worth
pursuing because it helps us to live victoriously. Our physical bodies and
every earthly thing we have worked for will one day fail us. Wisdom,
however, helps us to plan for the times when we won't have the strength to
work. It helps us prepare for some of the uncertainties of life. Wisdom
helps us to be victorious when those who have trusted in their strength are
being brought low.
We must remember, however, wisdom starts with fearing God (Proverbs 1:7).
Those who fear God are taking the best and wisest path in life. Take Gideon
in Judges 7 for example. The success of armies is often dependent on factors
like the number of soldiers, the quality of their equipment, and the
training they have received. Gideon, however, had none of these. He only had
300 men with clay pitchers, torches, and trumpets, but he conquered an
uncountable host because he followed God's plan. He was victorious because
he had the wisdom to obey and trust God. The wisest course we take and the
strongest we can be in life is when we are obeying God's commands.

Jeremy Sprouse

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Proverbs 21:18

"The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the treacherous is in the
place of the upright" (Proverbs 21:18 NASB). This proverb speaks of the
deliverance and victory of the righteous and the downfall of the wicked (cf.
Proverbs 11:8). It might be referring to a situation where the wicked has
planned evil for the righteous but their plans turn on themselves as it was
with Haaman and Mordecai. It could also be the wicked are going to reap what
they have sowed as the violence and immorality the Babylonians sowed was
reaped when they were conquered by the Medo-Persian empire. At the same time
the Babylonians were being conquered, however, God was putting into motion
the events that would lead the now faithful Israelites out of Babylonian
captivity and back to the Promised Land. We must always remember: "the Lord
knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous
under punishment for the day of judgment" (2 Peter 2:9).

Jeremy Sprouse

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Proverbs 21:15

"The exercise of justice is joy for the righteous, But is terror to the
workers of iniquity" (Proverbs 21:15 NASB). There is no need to fear justice
and truth when one lives righteously (cf. Romans 13:3-4). There are no
skeletons in the closet. No secrets one fears being revealed. In fact, the
righteous take their delight in seeing justice prevail. Even when the court
systems don't uphold justice, the righteous take comfort knowing God is the
final judge and His court is supreme. The wicked don't want justice and so
use bribes (cf. Proverbs 21:14) or prevent the truth from being known by
twisting and perverting laws intended to protect the innocent. They are
afraid of having their lives exposed and taking responsibility for what they
have done. We need to live in such a way that we do not fear truth or

Jeremy Sprouse