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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Freedom of speech threatened in America

Freedom of religion and freedom of speech threatened in America!

OK, I admit it, hearing the story below upset me. How far can our world go
in trying to suppress our Christian rights to freedom of religion? Why am I
upset let me share what is happening in our country.

Dateline Tennessee:

Kendra Turner says a teacher at Dyer County High School in Tennessee has
banned her and her classmates from using Church speech in the classroom.

A 17-year-old was suspended from school after telling a fellow student
'bless you' after they sneezed.

But she didn't think it was that big of a deal when a fellow student
sneezed, and she used the common expression.

Turner said, that the teacher said, "We're not going to have godly speaking
in my class, and that's when I said we have a constitutional right." The
teacher said "Kendra was being disruptive," is demanding her constitutional
Kendra says she doesn't want any trouble for the teacher, but wants it known
that 'it's alright to defend God'. 'It's our constitutional right because we
have a freedom of religion and freedom of speech."
In all honesty to me it seems that it is the teacher and principle, perhaps
the school board who needs suspended. Kendra is right! The constitution does
guarantee us the right of free speech and the freedom of religion. How has
the educational system (in some places) gone so horribly wrong as to think
that they can overthrow the constitution? It's time that "we the people"
stand up and be counted. Elections are coming, officials can be voted out or
in by us. The root of the problem is that many say, "Yes, someone should do
something. just not me!" Do you realize that only a small percentage of
those who have the right to vote actually do vote? Then those who don't take
the time to make their voice heard where it will count, complain about the
lack of change.

You may think that all of the letters you write and calls you make to those
in power over you and your children make no difference and they may not. But
when you give up the fight in your small corner of the world, who is going
to take it up? You matter! Your voice is important! Be the burn under the
saddle, be the flea that continues to bite and irritate talk with your
friends and when the time comes get out of your easy chair and out from in
front of the television and vote your conscious. The simple truth is that no
one can do it for you.

Russ Lawson

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Let us vote and allow the majority to rule


Have you ever felt like the whole world is against you? Some times it feels
that way doesn't it. Even if you are right and know you are right, the world
often is really not interested in what is right, they only want what they
want anyway.

This little story kind of puts things in perspective.

A preacher had been having trouble with his congregation. It seemed they
could agree upon nothing, and controversy filled the air until meeting on
Sunday itself, became an area of conflict, and unhappiness filled the
church. The leaders of the congregation organized a meeting of 10 elders and
the preacher. They met in the conference room, sitting about a magnificent
mahogany table. One by one the issues were dealt with and on each issue it
became more and more apparent that the preacher was a lonely voice in the

The leader of the meeting said, "Come, Preacher, enough of this. Let us vote
and allow the majority to rule." He passed out the slips of paper, and each
man made his mark. The slips were collected and the president said, "You may
examine them, Preacher. It is 11 to one against you. We have the majority."

Whereupon the preacher rose to his feet, "So", he said, "You now think
because of the vote that you are right and I am wrong. Well, I stand here,
and he raised his arms impressively, and call upon our Holy God to give us a
sign that I am right and you are wrong."

Suddenly, there came a frightful crack of thunder and a brilliant flash of
lightning that struck the mahogany table and cracked it in two. The room was
filled with smoke and the elders were hurled to the floor.

But the preacher was untouched, his eyes flashing and a grim smile on his
Slowly, the speaker for the elders lifted himself above what was left of the
table. His hair was singed, his glasses were hanging from one ear, and his
clothing was in disarray. He said, "All right, 11 to two. We still have the

I'm reminded of the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:15-18 writing
about a man named Alexander. He wrote to Timothy: "You too should be on your
guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message. At my first
defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be
held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so
that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles
might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will
rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly
kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Paul said, he stood all alone for the truth of God's word, but he also
understood that "the Lord stood" at his side. I can promise you (from
experience) that at times, if you stand for truth, for purity, for
righteousness, at times it will seem that you stand all alone. Never forget
that God is with you always.

Russ Lawson

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Isaiah 42


Technology, isn't it great all of the things we can do now with our
"electronic devices"? I have just recently been dragged reluctantly into the
world of "Texting". I hardly ever use it, I prefer to speak to someone on my
phone, but I understand that it is the preferred choice of communication for
millions of people. I'm just not sold on it yet. A good friend recently had
a questionable experience with her text messages.

She was trying to communicate with her hairdresser about having her hair
colored. The hairdresser sent this message regarding her choices: "Do you
want to stay blind or go with another shade?" Of course the hairdresser
meant to say "blond" instead of "blind," but it got me to thinking about
making choices.

There are so many in our world who choose to stay blind when they have a
chance to see. Of course I am speaking about being spiritually blind. Many
of us scratch our heads in confusion as we try to understand why so many
people refuse to accept the love of God into there lives. They struggle
blindly in the world looking for a peace that cannot be found there, yet
this is not a new problem. It goes back to the beginning of creation. It
seems that people have always looked anywhere they could, except to God for
what is missing in their lives. Yes, even Jesus had to deal with this. When
talking to his disciples about their lack of understanding he said, "Do you
have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you
remember? (Mark 8:18).

Maybe it's time that we understand that it is time to make some serious
choices in our lives. Our choices are more important that whether or not to
be blond this month or not. Our choices are whether or not to serve God or
not. And don't try to avoid the issue, because it is truly your choice and
it has eternal consequences.

Isaiah 42:6a-7 tells us about God being: " a light for the Gentiles, to open
eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the
dungeon those who sit in darkness". That's what the coming of Christ did,
but he doesn't force anyone to accept his offer, it's truly your choice.

Russ Lawson