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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Psalm 7

Thoughts On Psalm No. 7

Consider the following  proverb attributed to the Chinese.

If there is righteousness in the heart,

There will be beauty in the soul.

If there is beauty in the soul,

There will be harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home,

There will be order in the nation.

If there is order in the nation,

There will be peace in the world.

If we use the biblical definition of righteousness (Romans 1:16,17), we find the right way to create the peace that God wants....people living as God's children, Christians!

Now an assignment.......Slowly read Psalm 112. Note the word righteousness and in vss. 4,6 the word righteous, and traits assigned to the righteous person. In vs. 7 note the word heart and its description. What we have is a description of the way of life of one who is righteous. Do you think it fits the proverb?????

The New Testament gives us the information we need to become Christians, thus becoming righteous. Study hard, commit firmly, serve willingly, be beautiful!

God bless     Bob A. 


Sunday, September 24, 2017

A vacation sermon


1)    SLIDE

2)    Man can follow one of two paths in life.

3)    Each one gets to choose; our choice about heaven or hell is not predetermined – SLIDE

4)    Ezek. 18:20 says the “soul that sins, it shall die.”

5)    Jesus said (Mt. 19:14) the “kingdom of heaven” belongs to “little children.”

6)    A time comes when the things of childhood are put away; become accountable.

7)    Accountable people become guilty of sin (Rom. 3:23). SLIDE

8)    We enter into this world without sin, but eventually we choose some form of sin.

9)    We need a solution.  We need a perfect helper.

a)     God offers a solution and His method of salvation is a “one size fit all” plan.

b)    God has only “1 faith” (Eph. 4:5), “1 church” (Mt. 16:18), and 1 gospel (Gal. 1:8-9).

c)     There is a “common faith” (Jude 3) which all must obey.  Only 1 plan of salvation.

d)    Deity has only one authorized helper; salvation is in “no other name” (Acts 4:12).

10) God’s way of salvation is described as “narrow” – Mt. 7:13 – SLIDE



a)     More than 600 families gave up their homes so a space center could be constructed.

b)    Acts 8:1 - Christians left the city of Jerusalem because of persecution.


a)     What kind of minds did men have to create this level of technology?

b)    The creativity and accomplishments were astounding.




a)     This parks’ name reflects the fact that several GIANT ROCKS are in it.

b)    Many of these rocks were granite and this area has been heavily mined – SLIDE


2)    They were given the right to engrave their names or other information on the granite.

3)    SLIDE

4)    We do not need our names etched in granite to be remembered. 2 Cor. 5:10

5)    For the Christian, the bad is wiped away and the good is kept.

6)    SLIDE
In watching this family I could not help but think about the great gulf in Lk. 16.

7)    The saved are separated from the lost from the very moment of death.

8)    SLIDE

9)    One of the saddest things in life is to have a family member who is not right with God.

10) We know each person gets to decide which road they want to take –There are only two paths - SLIDE –

11) Which path are we walking on?




2) El hombre puede seguir uno de los dos caminos de la vida.
3) Cada uno consigue elegir; nuestra elección sobre el cielo o el infierno no está predeterminada - SLIDE
4) Ez. 18:20 dice que "el alma que peca, morirá".
5) Jesús dijo (Mt. 19:14) que el "reino de los cielos" pertenece a "niños pequeños".
6) Llega el tiempo en que las cosas de la infancia se guardan; rendir cuentas.
7) Las personas responsables se vuelven culpables de pecado (Romanos 3:23). DIAPOSITIVA
8) Entramos en este mundo sin pecado, pero finalmente elegimos alguna forma de pecado.
9) Necesitamos una solución. Necesitamos un ayudante perfecto.
a) Dios ofrece una solución y Su método de salvación es un plan de "un solo tamaño para todos".
b) Dios sólo tiene "1 fe" (Efesios 4: 5), "1 iglesia" (Mateo 16:18) y 1 evangelio (Gálatas 1: 8-9).
c) Hay una "fe común" (Judas 3) que todos deben obedecer. Sólo un plan de salvación.
d) La Deidad tiene un solo ayudante autorizado; la salvación no tiene "otro nombre" (Hechos 4:12).
10) El camino de Dios para la salvación es descrito como "estrecho" - Mt. 7:13 - DIAPOSITIVA
a) Más de 600 familias abandonaron sus hogares para construir un centro espacial.
b) Hechos 8: 1 - Los cristianos abandonaron la ciudad de Jerusalén debido a la persecución.
a) ¿Qué tipo de mentes tenían los hombres para crear este nivel de tecnología?
b) La creatividad y los logros fueron asombrosos.


a) El nombre de este parque refleja el hecho de que hay varias ROCAS GIGANTES en él.
b) Muchas de estas rocas eran de granito y esta zona ha sido muy minada - SLIDE

2) Se les dio el derecho de grabar sus nombres u otra información sobre el granito.
4) No necesitamos que nuestros nombres grabados en granito sean recordados. 2 Cor. 5:10
5) Para el cristiano, lo malo es borrado y el bien es guardado.
Al observar a esta familia no pude evitar pensar en el gran abismo en Lk. dieciséis.
7) Los salvos están separados de los perdidos desde el mismo momento de la muerte.
9) Una de las cosas más tristes de la vida es tener un miembro de la familia que no está bien con Dios.
10) Sabemos que cada persona llega a decidir qué camino quieren tomar -Hay sólo dos caminos - DIAPOSITIVA -

11) ¿En qué camino estamos caminando?


Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Most of the younger generation believes that the idea Tweeting came into being with them, those of us who have been around awhile know differently. Tweeting is the idea of conveying a message with very few letters or words. Our generation has been doing that for years and years.


It seems that we naturally have a thing for writing encrypted (sometimes shortened) messages in the things we write. When I was in grade school, my friends and I would make up "secret codes" and spend hours writing (on paper) private messages to each other.


As we matured we outgrew simple codes and became more sophisticated in the method and message… we discovered "Vanity License Plates" or "Personalized License Plates" for our cars, trucks and motorcycles. These vary in the United States from state to state, but normally state a message using 5 – 7.5 letters. Other countries follow the same practice, in the United Kingdom they are called, "prestige plate, private number plate, cherished plateor personalized registration". These license plates sometimes carry special messages designed by the purchaser, sometimes easy and sometimes difficult to decipher.


My wife and I keep an eye out for these plates and try to discover or understand the message they contain. For example we saw a bright lime green car this week on which the plated said, "I NO RIT" or "I know, right!" We supposed it was referring to the uniqueness of the color of the car. Then there was, "MY1VET," "IMAJEDI," "DOES185," "PDOFF," "H20 WELL, and on of my favorites "AFORDY7," seen on a 1947 Ford.


I think you can get the idea that we are a pretty clever bunch of beings, but did you realize that God beat us too it in this area. Way back in Exodus 3:13-14 we read, "But Moses replied, "When I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors sent me to you,' they will ask me, 'What is his name?' So what can I tell them? God said, "I am who I am. You must tell them: 'The one who is called I AM has sent me to you.'"


There has been much speculation regarding the meaning of this message. What does, "I AM" mean, is it a name or a description? I believe it is a description trying to convey the power of the creator of the universe. I like how Matthew Henry's commentary puts it. He says the message of "I AM" is: "1. That he is self-existent: he has his being of himself. 2. That he is eternal and unchangeable, and always the same, yesterday, to-day, and forever." I like that description of the message, it may not be exactly what God had in mind when he gave us the three letter message, but then if we live according to his instructions in the rest of His Book, we can find out in person someday, can't we?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Free Bible study

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Singing and Praying With Understanding

Paul wrote to the Corinthians regarding their worship assemblies, “What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding” (1 Corinthians 14:15, NKJV). What point was he making?
The Context

This entire chapter is about the use of miraculous gifts in assemblies. The Corinthians’ assemblies were evidently a mass of confusion: numerous brethren were speaking in tongues, yet sometimes there was no interpreter; multiple brethren were speaking out at the same time, either prophesying or speaking in tongues, thereby making it practically impossible to understand what anyone was saying. Paul feared that visitors would think they were mad! (v. 23).

Paul reminded them that all things must be done for edification (v. 26). That requires orderliness (v. 40), and toward that end the Apostle laid down explicit rules governing who could exercise what gift and when (vv. 27-36). Edification also requires clear communication. In the first half of the chapter, Paul emphasized that as an inherent advantage of the gift of prophecy over the gift of speaking in tongues. Everyone could understand the prophet and thus benefit from his message, but no one could learn from someone speaking in tongues unless someone was present who could interpret the language being spoken. Five words understood were far better than ten thousand spoken in a tongue (v. 19).
The Point

Many translations render v. 15 as praying and singing with the spirit and the mind (NASB, ESV, NIV, etc.).  The point would then be worshiping in spirit (or as directed by the Spirit) and comprehending what one is saying. The problem is, that does not fit the next verse or the overall context very well. I prefer the NKJV rendering, spirit and understanding. Paul’s word can refer, not just to my understanding what I am doing, but also to doing it in such a way that others understand it; and that is exactly his point! If others do not understand what I say when I am praying, how can they add their “Amen”? (v. 16). How are they edified? (v. 17). Singing, too, is to teach and admonish (Colossians 3:16).
The Application

We do not have miraculous gifts today. They belonged to the foundational days of the gospel (1 Corinthians 13). Nevertheless, the principles in this chapter are quite relevant to our worship.

Singing with the understanding obviously requires that we understand the words we are singing. More to the point here, however, it is singing so that others can understand them.

Music has evolved significantly over the last twenty centuries. Almost all of our hymns are in four-part harmony; still, we are singing the same words at the same time. Some hymns have an echoing effect, where one voice holds a word while other voices sing additional words. It is still all very discernable. But a few newer hymns are rounds, where each part is singing different words at the same time. They can be fun to sing musically, but I wonder: in terms of a listener’s ability to discern what is being said, is that significantly different than four prophets or four tongue-speakers talking at the same time? Granted, the modern listener can read all the words in the hymnal or on the projected song slide. But if you are like me, you are concentrating on getting your part right and somewhat blocking out the others’ words. How does that add to edification?

As to prayer, the application is obvious. Brethren who lead in prayer must use plain enough language that we can grasp what they are saying. Note the simple, straightforward wording in Jesus’ sample prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Also, leaders must speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard. Microphones help, but they can only do so much. It is just as difficult to understand a prayer leader who mumbles English as one who speaks boldly in a language we do not know!

“What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble . . . let all things be done for edification” (v. 26).

- by Frank Himmel