Now my days are swifter than a runner; they flee away, they see no good. They slip by like reed boats, like an eagle that swoops on its prey (Job 9:25-26.
Once there was a time in my life when it seemed that time moved so slowly. It seemed to take forever to go from one birthday to the next and from on Christmas to the next was an eternity. How often have we heard, even made the statement ourselves, "I just can't wait" as an event still far off was looked forward to. In those days of long ago, time often seemed to stand still but not anymore. I venture to say that most of you can identify with what I have just said.
Suddenly one day all this changed and now it seems as if each day goes by faster than the one before it. Now, instead of saying "I just can't wait, we are asking ourselves, "Where did the years go"? All too quickly we find that the strength of our youth becomes the feebleness of old age.
We have watched our children in the early years of their growth and development and suddenly, almost without warning, we realize they are no longer our little babies, no longer those difficult but loving teenagers. All too quickly, they have grown up and we see them leave home, marry and have children of their own. This is good but still we cry out "Where has the time gone, it seems as if only yesterday.......". Our lives are short and fleeting. Days past cannot be recalled. They are gone forever and the days remaining are swiftly passing by. Truly, we are swiftly turning life's daily pages.
With the passing of each day we find ourselves one step closer to the day when that last page will be turned. Time for me is now passing so quickly and I am sure many of you feel the same way. With an eye of faith we look forward to the end of our sojourn on this earth (Hen. 9:27; 2 Cor. 5:1-3; Heb. 11:16). Heaven is the promise of a better day. There are no words that can adequately describe for us the majesty, beauty and glory of that city not made with hands. Our souls should be thrilled at the thought of going home to that land where joy shall never end.
I can think of no better way to close this week's thought than to say: "I just can't wait".
Charles Hicks