Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Is baptism necessary?
Ed Gardner
Ed Gardner, American comic actor, writer and director (1901-1963)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
James Harvey Robinson
James Harvey Robinson, American historian (1863-1936)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Oseola McCarty
McCarty's lifelong work ethic and generous heart drew global attention after it was announced in July of 1995 that she would will $150,000 of her life's savings to the University of Southern Mississippi to provide scholarships for deserving students in need of financial assistance to continue their education.
Where had she obtained that kind of money? She had lived frugally, saved carefully, and invested wisely. In the beginning, she said, she charged $1.50 to $2 a bundle, but, with inflation, the price rose. "When I started making $10 a bundle -- I don't remember when ... sometime after the war -- I commenced to save money," she recalled. "I put it in savings. I never would take any of it out. I just put it in. It just accumulated."
Amazingly, she had saved the $150,000 -- representing about 60 percent of her life's savings -- washing and ironing other people's clothes for 75 years.
At the age of 87, Miss McCarty decided that there was something better to do with her savings than spend it on herself. "I thought it best to give it to some child to get an education," she said.
"People in Hattiesburg call her donation 'the GIFT'," Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent Rick Bragg wrote after interviewing McCarty in August of 1995. Miss McCarty received scores of awards and other honors recognizing her unselfish spirit including the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second highest civilian award, presented to her by President Bill Clinton during a special White House Ceremony. She also won the United Nation's coveted Avicenna Medal for educational commitment.
She was embarrassed by all the attention, but when asked by reporters why she had done what she had done, she borrowed some familiar words: "It's more blessed to give than to receive I've tried it." *
Miss McCarty was quoting Acts 20:35 "And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
Miss McCarty's generosity reflects not only the WORDS of Jesus, but also His LIFE and His DEATH. Jesus "gave Himself for our sins" (Galatians 1:4) so that we might have forgiveness and the hope of an eternal inheritance in Heaven (1 Peter 1:3-5).
These blessings are included in "The Gift" of salvation that He will give to those who respond to Him in loving obedience. To receive His Gift, one must believe in Him (Acts 16:30-31), turn from sin in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confess Him before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).
Because of the indescribable generosity (grace) of God, THE GIFT is available to you!
Won't YOU accept it on His terms?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Nuair a bhíonn an deoch, sa chiall is amach
"When the drink is in, the sense is out."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ward Beecher, American theologian and abolitionist (1813-1887)
The essence of Christianity
mistakenly come to the conclusion that it's all about keeping commandments.
While it is true that God expects us to keep his commandments, there is more
to it than that, it's a matter of "the heart" also.
A famed dog trainer shared this story: One day he met a man whose dog had
just been killed in a forest fire. Heartbroken, the man explained to
Rutledge how it happened. Because he worked out-of-doors, he often took his
dog with him. That morning, he left the animal in a clearing and gave him a
command to stay and watch his lunch bucket while he went into the forest.
His faithful friend understood, for that's exactly what he did. Then a fire
started in the woods, and soon the blaze spread to the spot where the dog
had been left. But he didn't move. He stayed right where he was, in perfect
obedience to his master's word. With tearful eyes, the dog's owner said, "I
always had to be careful what I told him to do, because I knew he would do
Think with me for a moment about what is said about keeping commandments.
The apostle John writes in 1 John 2:3, "Now by this we know that we know
Him, if we keep His commandments." (NKJV) A modern translation puts it this
way, "And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments."
(NLT) So John tells us that keeping his commandments is one way we can be
sure we really know God.
Let me tell you why I think that is a problem for some people. You see, most
of us were born and raised in a country that emphasizes personal freedoms
and personal rights. Many have the concept firmly implanted that "no one has
the right to tell us what to do." Of course that exempts some who do have
the right to tell us what to do, like the government or (for a time) our
parents or school authorities. However when it comes to matters of religion
we have been taught from the beginning that we have "freedom of religion,"
that is, "no one can tell us what to do in our relationship to God".
To a certain extent that is true, but just as with the freedom to live the
way we want there are some exceptions to that rule. We must understand that
God does have the right and authority to tell us what to do. Jesus speaking
in John 14:15 told those there, "If you love me, you will obey what I
Let me emphasize that it is a matter of the heart that causes us to obey
God, not the force of the command. Oswald Chambers gave some insight into
this concept when he wrote these words. "The Lord does not give me rules,
but He makes His standard very clear. If my relationship to Him is that of
love, I will do what he says. If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I
have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself."
You most likely are familiar with the conversation that took place in Mark
20:28-30. If not read it again: "One of the teachers of religious law was
standing there listening to the debate. He realized that Jesus had answered
well, so he asked, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
Jesus replied, "The most important commandment is this: 'Listen, O Israel!
The LORD our God is the one and only LORD. And you must love the LORD your
God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your
strength." (NLT)
The real question when it comes to obeying God's commandments (or living up
to His standards), boils down to the question of who do you love more, Him
or yourself? Are you willing to do whatever He asks?
Russ Lawson
Reinhold Niebuhr
Reinhold Niebuhr, American theologian (1892-1971)
MIT forms
semester you are asked to fill out a form evaluating the teacher and the
text. The following comments were taken from MIT forms in the fall of 1991:
"Have you ever fell asleep in class and awoke in another? That's the way I
felt all term."
"The recitation instructor would make a good parking lot attendant. Tries
to tell you where to go, but you can never understand him."
"Text is useless. I use it to kill roaches in my room."
"In this class, the syllabus is more important than you are."
"Text makes a satisfying `thud' when dropped on the floor."
"Textbook is confusing... Someone with a knowledge of English should
proofread it."
"Help! I've fallen asleep and I can't wake up!"
"Recitation was great. It was so confusing that I forgot who I was, where I
was, and what I was doing -- it's a great stress reliever."
"He teaches like Speedy Gonzalez on a caffeine high."
"Information was presented like a ruptured fire hose -- spraying in all
directions, no way to stop it."
"What's the quality of the text, you ask? `Text is printed on high quality
I can remember that it was easier to say nice things about some of my
teachers in college than it was some of the others. However, when it comes
to evaluating my spiritual "Teacher" and his text, I can't begin to say
enough good things. How would I evaluate the text?
"All Scripture is given by God and is useful for teaching, for showing
people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching
how to live right. Using the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be
capable, having all that is needed to do every good work." (2 Tim. 3:16-17,
And the teacher?
"LORD, teach me what you want me to do, and I will live by your truth.
Teach me to respect you completely. Lord, my God, I will praise you with
all my heart, and I will honor your name forever. You have great love for
me...." (Psa. 86:11-13a).
Praise to Him who is the greatest teacher we have ever known! May our
ears always be attentive to his instruction!
Alan Smith
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Herbert Bayard Swope
Herbert Bayard Swope, American editor and Journalist (1882-1958)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Meanwhile, Southwest continues to be the only major carrier not charging for those checked bags. They have widely advertised this decision. The end result of this policy is not surprising to me. While even some of their own insiders were wringing their hands about passing up over $750 million by not charging for checked bags, Southwest has earned $1.8 billion dollars instead. According to Harvard Business Review, Southwest has never lost money in 37 years of operation. The other major carriers are operating in the red, but Southwest continues to operate in the black while paying their employees relatively well. Amazingly, Southwest has not suffered from their lack of greed, but Spirit has suffered despite theirs.
There is a valuable lesson or pair of lessons to be learned by all of us from this. Those who keep their fists tight find it difficult to receive, while those who practice generosity often find that such a practice "pays." Biblical stewardship seems to work this way. Givers receive in good measure (Lk. 6:38; Mal. 3:10). When we are stingy with our time, our praise, our efforts, our involvement, or any other resource God has blessed us with, we are the poorer for it. Hoarding does not benefit the hoarder! Giving blesses the giver. The airlines teach us this, but before that God did the teaching. Through Solomon, He says, "There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt. When those riches were lost through a bad investment and he had fathered a son, then there was nothing to support him. As he had come naked from his mother's womb, so will he return as he came. He will take nothing from the fruit of his labor that he can carry in his hand" (Ecc. 5:13-15). In Luke 12:15, warning against covetousness, Jesus taught that a person's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Let us learn that we will not ultimately prosper who greedily seek after self, and God will not let us lose for choosing be generous givers in every form.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's day 2010
Does the Lord Want You To Be Stuck?
Jonah 1:17: KW06.20.10
A. Illust: Most people only worry about being injured by a wild animal when they are outside.
1. But one man in South Florida was recently injured by a wild animal while he was inside.
2. Monroe County Sheriff's deputies say a man in the Florida Keys had to call 911 when his stuffed water buffalo's
head mounted on a wall fell on him and pinned him as he slept in his reclining chair.
a. The man initially called and could only yell his address and tell operators that he was trapped.
b. He woke up when the head fell on his lap, but it was too heavy for him to lift. (He was able to reach for his cell
phone and call for help. Rescue authorities took him to the hospital for treatment). The Huffington Post,
"When Taxidermy Attacks," June 14, '10
B. Being stuck is never pleasantwhether it means being stuck physically under a water buffalo's head, or spiritually.
C. For some time now, we have been talking about being stuckspiritually speaking.
1. We can be either in one of two places:
a. Stuck:
. In shame, to folks, to stuff, and to repetitive sinand we can know that we're stuck when we're blaming,
prejudiced, or living in the past.
b. Free:
. When we can look at the options, consider the consequences, and then make good choices.
. When we can teach others and give them freedom to decide.
. When we know that we are not as bad or as good as some people say we are.
2. But I may have to rethink a statement I made in last Sunday's message: "The Lord doesn't want you to be stuck."
cf., Ex. 14-16 (ex., "Are You Stuck Before or After the Water")?
a. I don't know that that is always true.
b. "Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days
and three nights." Jonah 1:17
1) Jonah was stuck in the fishright where God wanted him to be.
2) Observations:
. The Hebrew word translated in English as "prepared" does not mean to create, but to appoint. (The idea
is not that God created a fish on the spot to meet the need, but by an act of God one was at hand to
swallow the prophet).
. The fish could have been one of several varieties of sea creatures capable of swallowing a man.
. If you spell your God's name with a capital "G" you have no problem with what is stated here in
. Too often in arguing about the fish, and about the possibility or impossibility of surviving such an
experience, men have forgotten God. (Denial of the historical fact of Jonah's experience is a forerunner
to the denial of the resurrection of Jesus). Mt. 12:38-40
. The miracle is not that a fish was present, but that Jonah survived, at least, part of 72 hours in the
stomach of this creature.
. Question: Did God want Jonah to be stuck in this great fish? (The obvious answer is , "Yes.") 2:1-3
I. WHY did God want Jonah to be stuck?
A. Because Jonah was attempting to run away from his responsibility. 1:1ff
1. Ninevah was long noted for its wickedness, immorality, and idolatry. 1:2
a. cf., Nahum 3:1-4
b. The Assyrians were so terribly cruel, they actually boasted of their mistreatment of others on their
monuments (which are found in museums today).
. Heads of their enemies were cut off and formed into pillars
. People were flayed alive and their skins were spread on the city wall
. Captives were burned to death
. Enemies had their hands, fingers, noses, and ears cut off; their eyes were put out
. Pregnant women were ripped open to destroy their offspring
2. At least part of the reason Jonah ran from the will of God is because he was afraid the Lord would spare
Ninevah. (In essence, Jonah wanted to resign his job as a prophet).
a. Tarshish was in the opposite direction (Spain) of Ninevah; it was "away" and "down".
b. "Any journey away from the Lord is down " cf., 1:3x2, 5, 15, 17, 2:6
1) In the OT, many issues were settled by the casting of lots. "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every
decision is from the LORD." Prov. 16:33
2) Jonah was stuck on the ship and then stuck in the fishes' belly because God wanted him to be thereto
think. (He was down and away from God and His will, and the Lord wanted to contemplate that reality).
B. A sobering thought for fathers: We want to make sure that we're not running, like Jonah, from our
1. It is one thing to provide for our children. "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for
those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Tim. 5:8
2. It is another thing to provide a lifetime of spiritual guidance. "And these words which I command you today
shall be in your heart; you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in
your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." Deut. 6:6-7; cf., Eph. 6:4
a. A man can provide for his families' physical welfare and still be "one the run" in a manner of speaking.
Ex: Billionaire Donald Trump was asked what was the best that thing he'd ever done. Trump replied, "Well,
I've created four beautiful children."
1) Consider the fact that out of all that we do and create in our lifetime, fathers, the only things we can
save/take with us into heaven are our families. Ex: Noah, 1 Pet. 3:20; 1 Tim. 6:7
2) Tell me, other than your wife, what/who is more precious to you than your children?
b. Questions:
. Who is the primary spiritual leader in your home? (Is it you or your wife)?
. Do you pray regularly with your children? (What kind of prayers do they hear from you)?
. On the Lord's Day, are you worshipping with the saints, or are you engaged in recreation? (What message
are you sending to your children about God? Do you bow to recreation or Jehovah)?
1) Ex: Elder from JA missed pm worship to attend a Tennessee Titans game
2) Ex: Eric's Welch's dog, Samson, and his daughter Hannah
. Do your children know, without a doubt, that the Lord and His will is THE singular motivation in your life?
"Children are more likely to see God as Father, if they see God in their father." cf., Gal. 2:20
1) Brethren, is there any sense in which you are stuck in your life?
2) While I don't understand all of the elements of divine providence, it is possible that God wants me as a
man and father to be in that position so that I will come to my senses? cf., Heb. 12:5-11
II. WHY did God want Jonah to be stuck?
A. Because Jonah thought more of shade and air conditioning than he did of souls. 3:10-4:11
1. When God saw the penitent works of the Ninevites, He decided not to bring judgment upon them.
a. Jonah wasn't happy with God and His mercy.
b. He even told God, "I told you so " cf., 4:2
2. I think it's interesting that there was wholesale repentance in Ninevah, and the preacher was upset.
a. Jonah was both upset and grateful to God at the same time.
b. God went back to preparing again. cf., 1:17 (fish), 4:6 (plant), 4:7 (worm)
1) When Jonah began to fuss about the hot sun, God let the prophet know that he had been inconsistent in
his thinking. cf., 4:9-11
2) It was okay for Jonah to have shade, but it wasn't okay for untaught people to have mercy. Ex: When
the heat was off at the church building in Adairsville
B. Fathers, do we everlike Jonahget our priorities mixed up?
1. Questions:
. When was the last time you put as much energy into teaching your children the Word as you do your
favorite pastime?
. Do you ever get angry with others, but then expect mercy when you falter and make mistakes? (What
lesson is your child learning from you about mercy)?
. Are you more concerned about the score of a ball game, or the number of family members and neighbors
who are living without Jesus Christ and dead in their sins?
. Do you insist that your teenagers get to their job every day their schedule directs, but then you neglect
Sunday evening worship services with the God of heaven?
2. Sometimes we as Fathers can lose sight of the big picture in terms of our children and eternity.
a. Are we more concerned about people, specifically our children, than we are stuff?
b. You and I will never get a second chance to raise our children in the Lord.
A. Illust: Ming Kuang Chen, a deliveryman for a Bronx restaurant called Happy Dragon, walked out Friday night at about
8:30 pm with a large order of curried shrimp, and never came back.
1. Worried co-workers found his bicycle chained up in front of the 38-story apartment building, Tracy Towers, and
feared the worst: at least three deliverymen for Chinese restaurants have been killed in New York City in the last
five years, for money or food.
2. For three days, the police searched in and around local buildings for Mr. Chen, including sending bloodhounds and
cadaver-detecting dogs into a nearby park.
a. And all that time, Chen was right in the middle of themtrapped in an express elevator, where he spent more
than three days in a 4-foot by 6-and-a-half foot elevator without food or water before being rescued.
b. He had been stuck between the third and fourth floors in a shaft that skips all floors between the second and
the 21st.
B. I don't even want to think what it was like to be trapped in that small space, alone, for three days.
a. I can think of being trapped in a place far worse, for a much longer time.
b. Dad, do you love your children? Is their spiritual instruction and maturation paramount in your life?
--Mike Benson
Before we get into our lesson proper today, I feel that I must offer you readers a caveat. I'm going to return to a subject that I've written on several times and when I think it has been covered sufficiently, up pops another incident that fires up my editorial juices all over again. The subject matter of which I speak is society's efforts to remove God, or anything relating to Him, from public view. Perhaps I should refer to it as society's "unbalanced efforts" in its attempts at "separating church and state."
If you recall, in past editorials, we've discussed the efforts of removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, prayers in both school and public speech and the removal of the Ten Commandments from courtrooms and other public buildings. Those are all misunderstood or misguided beliefs regarding the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Well, in my opinion, this latest effort by a segment of our society goes beyond "misunderstood or misguided." In the annals of efforts to eradicate God from any public mention in our society, this one reaches the most irrational, foolish and totally biased, maneuver I've seen so far. Yes I said "biased" and you'll easily see what I mean in a moment. This latest episode shows just how far some will go to remove God, but accept anything else man can concoct.
I read a recent news article (and if anyone is interested I can provide you with how you can see it for yourself) that reported on a court case from the San Diego, Ca. area. The case involved a couple of posters placed in the classroom by a math teacher at a local high school. The school district administrators were so offended and incensed by these posters that they ordered them removed. The teacher involved felt that his Constitutional rights had been violated and sued the district. To make a long story short, he won the law suit, but it's been appealed to the 9th District Court of Appeals and we're all familiar with the liberality of that bunch.
Now here's what the administrators felt was so apparently damaging to young minds that they ordered the posters removed. On one of them were these phrases: "IN GOD WE TRUST - ONE NATION UNDER GOD - GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE." On the other poster were seen these phrases: "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL - THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR."
Aren't those words frightening? Can you see just how damaging they could be to young and impressionable minds? One school board member even asked this question: "If this is allowed, what else can go up on the wall?" Now do you see why I said this goes "beyond misunderstood and misguided?" To me, it borders on sheer stupidity. Now here's why I said it was "biased" and even discriminatory.
When the question was asked about "what else can go up on the walls," guess what was on the walls of other classrooms? There were posters of Mahatma Ghandi's (Hindu) "7 Social Sins." A poster of Malcolm X (Black Muslim leader). A poster of the Dalai Lama (Buddhist leader) with Tibetan Prayer Flags. A Gay Pride poster. A Stop Global Warming poster and a poster having the lyrics of John Lennon's song "Imagine" which starts off with the words "Imagine no heaven." These posters were not contested by the administrators, but were certainly brought out in the trial.
I think I would be remiss if I didn't provide you with a portion of the trial Judge's ruling. Sometimes there are courts who see things correctly and, as mentioned earlier, found that the teacher's rights had been violated and ordered the school district to pay him a certain amount and also pay all court costs. This, by the way, is the ruling the school district is appealing to the 9th Dist. Ct. of Appeals.
The Judge said this: "Ironically, while teachers in the Poway Unified School District encourage students to celebrate diversity and value thinking for one's self, Defendants apparently fear their students are incapable of dealing with diverse viewpoints that include God's place in American history and culture."
"American history and culture." I emphasize those words of the Judge in order to point out that the posters ordered removed by the administrators are phrases found in our country's "national motto." The "Pledge of Allegiance." The last words of every Presidential speech I've ever heard, the song "America The Beautiful" and the "Declaration of Independence." Boy, high school students certainly have to be protected from mind-warping things like those, don't they?
In wrapping this up let me say that I'm not predicting the end of the world, but I will say that we're living in the "last days" that are spoken of several times in the Gospel. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy (2Tim. 3:2) about the ways "people" would behave in the "last days" and one of them would be "scoffers of God" or "blasphemers."
Then we can look at the words of the Apostle Peter "reminding us that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires." (2Pet. 3:3) In citing these scriptures to you today, I'm feeling a kinship to Jude who said in verse 17-18 of his letter "But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said. They told you that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires." (NLT)
All we have to do is look around us and see what our society is doing in regards to God and I think it's easily seen that the "scoffers" and "blasphemers" are here in force. And the actions of the Poway Unified School District in their attempt to remove God from the classroom and allow false religions and avowed heathens to remain serves as a prime example of the apostle's warnings.
Ron Covey
Friday, June 18, 2010
Trína chéile a thógtar na caisleáin
"In our togetherness, castles are built."
Father's day illustrations for father's day sermon
fathers). Father's day is important, because it reminds us of the person who
did or who should have played an important part in our lives. I read
somewhere that there are more collect phone calls made on father's day than
any other day of the year. I would imagine that for the most part, fathers
don't mind that the call is collect, they are just glad that the one they
love called.
I know that there are those who read this, who think that Father's day is a
waste of effort, because your father was not a kind or loving person. That's
not a new problem and you are not alone in your feelings of disappointment
or regret regarding your father. Many have suffered abuse or neglect by the
one who should have been protecting and loving you above all else.
Those very problems are some of the things that make our lives as
Christians all the more satisfying. We have a father that we know loves us!
There is no doubt that he cares for us above everything else in all
creation. Our Heavenly Father is one that loved us enough to come up with a
plan that would save us from certain death (eternal separation from him).
Even when we are rotten and neglectful children, he loves us completely, no
matter what evidence there is that we don't really deserve his love.
That's the message of the parable of the rebellious son Jesus tells in Luke
15:11-24. Notice his words: "To illustrate the point further, Jesus told
them this story: "A man had two sons. The younger son told his father, 'I
want my share of your estate now before you die.' So his father agreed to
divide his wealth between his sons. A few days later this younger son packed
all his belongings and moved to a distant land, and there he wasted all his
money in wild living. About the time his money ran out, a great famine swept
over the land, and he began to starve. He persuaded a local farmer to hire
him, and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs. The young man
became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to
him. But no one gave him anything. "When he finally came to his senses, he
said to himself, 'At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare,
and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, "Father,
I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of
being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant."' "So he
returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his
father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son,
embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned
against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your
son.' "But his father said to the servants, 'Quick! Bring the finest robe in
the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his
feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a
feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was
lost, but now he is found.' "
If you were blessed with a loving father like the one in Jesus' story then
rejoice and let him know how much you appreciate him. But you see; it really
doesn't matter if you didn't have the best of fathers, because you can have
that wonderful relationship with your Heavenly Father. No matter how badly
you mess up your life, no matter how many wrong decisions you make, he still
loves you and will accept you back with open arms. All you have to do is
realize your condition and decide it's time for you to change. That's called
repentance and you don't even have to call collect to let him know how much
you love him.
May God bless all fathers with loving hearts and protect and nurture those
given into their care!
Russ Lawson
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau, English writer and social theorist (1802-1876)
How can the young secure their hearts?
As I look at many of these teen guys, I see a wonderful example of youth who are trying to guard their lives from sin. They are truly committed to learning more about the Bible, memorizing scripture, learning to preach, and growing as Christians. If I had to sum up what I have seen in one word, that word would be "passion." Not all of them want to preach, but they all seem to have a serious passion to be faithful Christians.
How can the young secure their hearts? By having a passion about the Christian life and God's word. Even though this song speaks specifically about young people, I believe it can apply further. How can children, teens, adults, elderly, or anyone else secure their hearts? Once again, it is by having a passion about what God has said and what He has asked us to do.
What a tremendous example these young men have been so far. They are truly enthusiastic about the Christian life and doing what it takes to remain faithful. Let's learn from their example, because we all need to guard our lives from sin too. May we always strive to live better and keep our hearts from sin. Let's further develop a passion for God and the Bible in our own lives as well. --Brett Petrillo
Monday, June 14, 2010
Andrew Lemus
As I thrilled to hear his story, it struck me. Andrew's thirst for Bible truth led him to the Lord and through such salvation. He simply wanted to obey that Word and share it with others, seizing on the theme verse of the school (2 Timothy 2:2). Andrew is still a young man, with an overflow of biblical conviction and boundless passion. Who knows what great good they will accomplish and have already accomplished? That is always the question. When someone reveres God's Word and follows it as their pattern for living and when someone with that maintains a good and honest heart, God uses them mightily! That is the power of the word and the willing heart. --Neal Pollard
How God cares for His people
...........b...A.few.years.ago,,." I..[hoped]".,.to.our.kin,.to.our.stuff,;.He.doesn'",".
mini sermons
s I'm sometimes prone to do, I like to present an editorial lesson in the form of several "mini-lessons." I save up little bits and pieces from everyday things that inspire a scriptural thought and when I have a sufficient amount, I lump them together for you to consider. Here's a few for today.
I would be willing to wager that from the time Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees people have complained about the "younger generations." And, I would further be willing to wager that not one generation passed without this occurring. And I'm no exception to this phenomena either. I heard someone, about my age, make a statement a while back that, I have to admit, I'd never thought about in this light. He said, "We're the last generation that saved to buy something."
I immediately wrote that down and began thinking about it. Here's what I've thought so far. This explains, at least to me, why the current younger generation buys everything "on credit." And that's from a McDonald's cheeseburger to a new house or car. You don't think the banks and or credit card companies passing out cards to high school graduates for the last 30 years or so might possibly have an influence on this type of purchasing, do you? Nah, me neither. (Yeah right)
Now here's what bothers me about this situation. People are now being told, and businesses have even sprung up to teach them how, to NOT pay their debts. From their credit card bills to paying for houses they contracted to purchase. Basically, just walk away from them. The government, like their parents before that, will bail you out.
See, this "younger generation" has been "provided" for all their lives. They've never had to wait (IE: to save up) to obtain whatever it is they want. They want it and they want it now. No waiting. No saving. Just put it on credit and if I can't pay, then I'll just walk away. Somebody will take care of me.
Do you think that this way of thinking, this type of behavior, might possibly carry over into the religious world too? I certainly think that it's possible. Haven't we seen people's attitudes in other areas of behavior influence their ideas about religion? That God works like the government? That however I want to live, however I want to conduct myself, that I can do so and in the end, God, who is love, will bail me out? I don't have to maintain any personal responsibility for my "debts." As if to say, I don't "owe" God anything, but I expect Him to save me. I mean, someone always has.
Next mini-lesson. We've been studying in the book of Proverbs for quite some time now, and one of the reasons I like this study is that these wise sayings are so relevant to everyday life. And, many times, they're echoed by some non-Biblical sayings showing the same principles. I thought about this study a while back when I ran across an "old cowboy proverb." Since Solomon talked a lot about avoiding "fools" and not getting caught up in their "foolish" endeavors, I thought you might like to read what the "old cowboy" said.
Just so you'll see what I mean: "Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs, than a fool in his folly" Prov. 17:12
Next mini-lesson: Have you ever had the question asked you, usually by one of your kids or another youngster in class: "How does God see everything and know everything at all times?" Or, the question: "If everybody's praying, how does God hear them all at the same time?" How do you answer that?
I was reminded of these questions recently when my 87 year old uncle posed another one of his statement/questions to me. I've mentioned his questions before and this one is no different in nature than his earlier ones. He first said, "There's cell phones everywhere. Everybody's got one and they shoot their talk up to a Sputnik (does this date him or what?). He then asked me, How does it work? Why don't they get all mixed up?"
My answer: "I don't know." And that applies to both of the aforementioned questions. I just know this - in regards to cell phones and Sputniks - someone with far greater mental abilities than I designed the system and, with a few exceptions, it seems to work most of the time.
But, in regards to God - neither the greatest human mind that ever lived, and especially not mine, can comprehend the infinite mind of God. I don't care how many wonderful things we can invent, how many rocket ships and Sputniks we can shoot into outer space, those abilities are infinitesimal compared to God's abilities. And that's the reason I have to answer "I don't know" because there is no way I can fathom "how He sees all, hears all and knows all our thoughts" (we don't even have to actually speak our prayers out loud - Mt.
Ron Covey