Samuel Beckett, Irish avant-garde writer, dramatist, and poet (1906-1989)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett, Irish avant-garde writer, dramatist, and poet (1906-1989)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The inside of my lunchtime cookie
Words of wisdom from the inside of my lunchtime cookie
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Doug Larson
Doug Larson, American newspaper columnist (1926- )
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel
knows which half." I heard someone say yesterday that "wisdom comes with
age." I'm still waiting for mine to arrive! I sometimes believe what I read.
I read a simple statement that made a lot of sense to me just today. It
said, "If your soup is served too hot, it's not polite for you to blow on
it. So, ask your wife to do it." (My wife said that is not true and it must
have been written by a man.) Who do I believe?
I do believe that it's true that wisdom comes from age (and experience), but
wisdom also comes from what you hold in your heart at any age. It's the old
"garbage in garbage out" concept of what you put into your life is what you
will get out of your life.
People are always looking for wisdom or understanding. The bookstores are
full of books and downloads abound which tell you "how to get what you
want;" "how to discipline your life to attain goals;" "how to reach your
potential." But as seems a common thing for mankind, we often look in the
wrong place. Which half of what you hear do you believe? Let me give this
suggestion. Notice what Solomon has to say about wisdom, discipline and
understanding in Proverbs 1:1-7
The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
. for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight;
. for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just
and fair;
. for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young
. let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get
. for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the
. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise
wisdom and discipline.(NIV)
I understand that there are lots of things you want to know or understand. I
know that in my life I have a longing to learn. I read, listen and study
almost continually on a vast array of topics and skills. There has to be a
balance in our lives though. We have to at some point come to grips with
what is the most important thing we can learn or apply ourselves to. Solomon
also adds an additional thought in Proverbs 2:6 where he says: "For the LORD
gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."
If you want to gain true knowledge and understanding; if you want to know
how to truly discipline your life, then look to God! Read again the words of
Proverbs 1:1-7 and strive to gain true wisdom and insight.
My wife and I started reading through the bible again in January. I really
can't remember how many years we have been doing this, but what is always
surprising, is the new insights we gain each time we read God's Word. We see
things we have never seen or understood before. I think we are gaining
wisdom a little at a time through the years. How about you?
Russ Lawson
"If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others."
Tryon Edwards, American theologian (1809-1894)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, English poet, painter, and illustrator (1828-1882)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Desire-Joseph Mercier
Desire-Joseph Mercier, Belgian educator (1851-1926)
Is Islam from the devil?
The "mystery" of the Gospel was kept secret throughout the Old Testament; not even the prophets of old could figure it out (1Peter
Seeing the enormous success of God's Savior, Jesus Christ, and the dedication of the disciples even unto death, Satan decided to set-up his own savior and system of religion. It took about 600 years, then a man named Mohammed was born in
There is a lot of truth in the Koran, enough to attract the multitudes. I've often compared it to "rat poison." Rat poison is 98% pure sugared corn, enough to attract the rats, however, it's the 2% poison that kills them. People who do not study their Bible are easily swayed to become "sympathetic" toward this movement. Still, the Bible tells us there is no other way to the Father except by means of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Nothing is said about coming to the Father through Mohammed! Referring to Jesus, the inspired apostle says, "There is salvation in none other!" (Acts
In the garden of Eden, Eve told Satan that God said she could not eat of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, for in the day she would eat of it, "you will surely die." Satan immediately responds, "You shall NOT surely die!" (Genesis 3:1-4). Likewise, Jesus says, "If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" (John
Also consider this: Tens of thousands of people were being saved for 600 years before Islam even came into existence Therefore, Mohammed, nor his religion (Islam), is NOT the way to be saved!
Toby Miller
Friday, January 14, 2011
Adolphe Monod
Adolphe Monod, French theologian (1802-1856)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Adolphe Monod
Adolphe Monod, French theologian (1802-1856)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil...
Edmund Burke, Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher (1729-1797)
Soviet occupation in 1947
For all of recorded history, Estonians have lived along the Baltic Sea. They were an independent nation until a series of foreign invaders conquered and subjugated them--Denmark, Germany's Teutonic Knights, Sweden, Russia, and the Soviet Union. For over 770 years off and mostly on, someone else "owned" this ancient, European people.
To throw off oppression, many nations have resorted to revolutions. So often, these are filled with violence, bloodshed, and death. Estonia's path to independence was different. They resorted to song!
The roots of this revolution were found in the rich history of song in Estonia. At the first song festival following Soviet occupation, in 1947, a tune was set to the lyrics of a 19th Century nationalistic poem, "Land of my Fathers, Land that I Love." Somehow, it got past the censors and quickly became the anthem of freedom that Estonians sang throughout the country. The song was banned by the USSR in the 1950s, but Estonians defiantly sung it until Soviet leadership acquiesced and allowed the song officially back into the program in the 1960s. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, with his progressive programs like perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (free speech), all the elements were in place for Estonia to intensify their protests and push for independence. Organizers were wise enough to keep protests peaceful, and thus singing became the focal point of the revolution.
One incident symbolizes the power of song. In 1969, at the 100th anniversary of the song festival, the Estonian choir started to sing the national hymn a second time despite Soviet orders to leave the stage. When no one did, a military band was ordered to play to drown out the singers. Over 100,000 singers began to sing defiantly until the band was muted under the din of song. Estonia literally sang themselves to sovereignty (Some of this information via
God started a singing revolution in His church. Under the Old Law, worship by the Jews involved the ornate, the outward, and the ostentatious from the colorful priestly garments, the opulent temple, the animal sacrifice, and the musical instruments, the harps, the lyres, and the loud-sounding cymbals (1 Chron. 16:5). These physical, tactile things were characteristic of the first covenant. Yet, starting with God the everlasting Son coming by most humble means in the flesh, God instituted a religious revolution. Priests were not set apart by special garments, but spiritual qualities. Worship was held in homes and catacombs rather than an ornate building. The blood of Christ meant the silencing of lambs, bulls, and rams, with the holy of holies and mercy seat now located in heaven (Heb. 9:1ff). Oh, and in the place of flutes and trumpets Christ instituted a "singing revolution" unmatched in history. His people, in worship, were instructed to communicate to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19). No musical instrument, whole band, or entire symphony can reach into the heart and teach like "the fruit of the lips." Those of us who have been freed from oppression (cf. 2 Tim. 2:24-26) have reason to sing! We keep singing because we are longing for the day when we are finally freed from the pain, trouble, and temptation of life (2 Cor. 4:16-5:4). Time marches on, but the "revolution" is in full swing. It is still reaching and touching hearts today. Nothing more or less than Scripture specifies is called for or necessary, for God knows the heart of man and what best speaks to it.
Neal Pollard
Monday, January 10, 2011
How to be a better evangelist
Yesterday was a great day, with excitement, energy, and passion talking about thinking souls. Now, today, we are in the daily grind, routines, deadlines, and pressures to boot. What can we do to translate a great idea into a great work? How can you and I think souls today?
- Have you prayed about it? For opportunities, courage, perception, and attitude?
- Are you clearing your Saturday schedule at 6 P.M. to be here for the prayer meeting?
- Are you making a list of "prospects" or focusing on someone with whom to share the gospel?
- Have you grabbed some "tools" from our tool box?
- Have you jotted down the website for our podcasts, which include the lessons on "Identifying The New Testament Church"?
- Are you prepared to talk to somebody at church you don't recognize and who may not already be a member?
- Is there a family member you might encourage?
- Have you thought about forwarding Daily Bread, Bob Turner's "Leadership Fund," or some other devotional email that might open a door?;;;
- If you are paying your bills today and do not pay them online, what about sticking a tract or church bulletin inside?
- Is there someone you might email, Facebook inbox, or otherwise write and encourage, thus maybe opening a door for the gospel at some point?
- Have you tried that proven question, "Would you like to study the Bible with me?"
What kind of "soul harvest" can we have this year to the glory of God? I don't know. God is the limit, so that's exciting! Yet, also, we must realize that we cannot hope for a harvest if we are not planting seeds, day by day, "as we are going" (cf. Matt. 28:19). Think souls today, tomorrow, and every day! This requires breaking old, bad habits-silence, fear, conformity, or whatever else keeps us from spreading the greatest news ever told! I am praying for you, that you will think about and reach out to souls today. Please do the same for me.
Neal Pollard
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Baptized into Christ many years ago, and yet are STILL not producing fruit
Sometimes I think we get too "intellectual" about some of the clear and positive teachings of the Scriptures. For example, we take the subject of the Holy Spirit, we put it under a microscope, we analyze it, we debate it, we run it through every possible hypothetical situation, and think we have to answer every theological question before we can accept it! If we cannot fully understand "how" God gives us the Spirit at baptism (Acts 2:38), or "how" the Spirit strengthens us in our inner man (Ephesians 3:16), then we think we are justified in shying away from the subject all together just in case we may "get it wrong." In principle, it reminds me of the sin of the "one talent man" (Matthew 25:14-30), who, because of fear of doing something wrong, did nothing! The Master therefore, declared him to be an "unprofitable servant" and had him cast into "outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth" (vs 30).
Without the Spirit, it is impossible to bear the "fruit of the Spirit." Granted, a new Christian may take some time to grow and mature to produce the fruit (2Corinthians 3:18, ESV Note the present tense, are being transformed; and 1Corinthians 3:1-4, where Paul called the Corinthians "Brethren," yet "carnal babes in Christ" NKJV).
How many of us know people who were baptized into Christ many years ago, and yet are STILL not producing fruit? Jesus told a parable in Luke 13:6-9 about a fig tree that had been nourished for three years but still produced no fruit. The owner ordered it cut down. However, the keeper of the vineyard pleaded, and the owner gave him one more year to produce fruit. If, after the year was complete and still no fruit was produced, then the keeper would cut it down. How many years has the Spirit been in your life? Does your life produce the fruit of the Spirit?
Too often I've heard that having the Holy Spirit is of no advantage in this life, and is basically a "silent partner" in our salvation. When one believes that, it's no wonder Christianity has so little appeal to those we come into contact with everyday. The Holy Spirit will not forcefully produce fruit in your life. He comes to us in accordance with the Word, just like the Father and the Son comes to us only in accordance with obedience to the Word (John
Jesus told the disciples, "I am going away to the Father
and coming back to you" (John
We all love Jesus and wish He could be here in the flesh right beside us to help and strengthen us. We don't have Him beside us, but we can have Him IN us. "The words I speak to you, they are spirit
(John 6:63). Don't you find that encouraging, exciting, and compelling, knowing that you can face this cold, mean, and unforgiving world with the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you?! No wonder Paul says, "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans
Toby Miller
Friday, January 7, 2011
Everett Dirksen
Everett Dirksen, United States Senator (1896-1969)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Herbert Bayard Swope
Herbert Bayard Swope, American journalist and editor (1882-1958)
Secret Gifts
that is not the point I am trying to make here. It's that sometimes life
gives you a surprise and you discover a gift you never knew you had. God's
word puts it this way, "And we know that God causes everything to work
together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his
purpose for them." (Romans 8:28, NLT)
About 20 years ago when we were missionaries to Kenya, East Africa I lost
about 50% of my hearing. I had malaria (this was one of many times) and the
doctor put me on pure quinine for an extended period of time. The results
were that it burned out the nerves in my ears and thus the hearing loss.
I never really thought much about it; you just live with it and get on with
life. Thankfully the latest pair of digital hearing aids have restored my
hearing to almost normal levels.
Through the years as I struggled to stay in touch with the world I slowly
picked up the ability to read lips. Granted, not as well as someone who had
actual training, but enough to pick up lots of lost words and conversations.
Again, this is not something I ever thought about; it just was part of life.
We have had one of our elderly members of our church in the hospital for the
past two weeks, much of that time in an induced coma. She is out of the coma
and beginning a very difficult recovery period. She has a tracheotomy which
keeps her from being able to speak and is unable to control a pencil well
enough to write.
When my wife and I visited yesterday, this sister was trying unsuccessfully
to communicate. It was frustrating to her and to her family and the nurses.
What a surprise when I discovered that I could read her lips and make her
needs known to the nurses and her family. I admit it was a struggle and she
had to say some of the words several times, but we found out where she was
hurting and what she needed at the time and were able to get her some help.
We even were able to answer some of her questions.
I wonder how many of you who read these words have secret or maybe hidden
gifts, simply because you have never tried to use them. Or perhaps you have
never been forced into a situation where they can be put to use. Maybe you
need to get out of your comfort zone and try to expand your gifts.
I wonder what God has prepared for you in your life? What's your secret
gift? You see, even when things seem like they are a disaster in your life,
there can be a hidden (secret) gift found there. Maybe you need to try new
things, maybe things you are just a little hesitant to try. The results may
surprise you as it did me! A hearing impairment as a blessing to someone
else, I never would have thought of that! But as Paul said, "we know that
God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God."
Russ Lawson
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Henri Bergson, French philosopher
Henri Bergson, French philosopher (1859-1941)