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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is Islam from the devil?


    The "mystery" of the Gospel was kept secret throughout the Old Testament; not even the prophets of old could figure it out (1Peter 1:10-12). God had a purpose for keeping it a "mystery." Since Satan can enter the minds of men (Luke 22:3), had God revealed the "mystery" prior to its completion, Satan would have known about it, and would have tried to prevent Jesus from going to the Cross where He shed His blood and died for our sins. The "mystery" was only revealed after the event by the Holy Spirit to the twelve apostles on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection (Acts 2; 1Corinthians 2:10), and later to Paul (Ephesians 3:3-5). 

    Seeing the enormous success of God's Savior, Jesus Christ, and the dedication of the disciples even unto death, Satan decided to set-up his own savior and system of religion.  It took about 600 years, then a man named Mohammed was born in Mecca on August 20, A.D. 570. Satan used him to set-up the Mohammedan religion (Islam). With the help of satanic forces, he produced his own "bible" (Koran), and claimed to be greater than Jesus Christ. He claimed to be a direct descendant of Abraham through Ishmael, which immediately won the favor of the Arabs who are also descendants of Ishmael. It spread like wild fire across the Middle East, and has since infiltrated the entire world. It continues to be the fastest growing religion world-wide.

            There is a lot of truth in the Koran, enough to attract the multitudes. I've often compared it to "rat poison." Rat poison is 98% pure sugared corn, enough to attract the rats, however, it's the 2% poison that kills them.  People who do not study their Bible are easily swayed to become "sympathetic" toward this movement. Still, the Bible tells us there is no other way to the Father except by means of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Nothing is said about coming to the Father through Mohammed!  Referring to Jesus, the inspired apostle says, "There is salvation in none other!" (Acts 4:12).

            In the garden of Eden, Eve told Satan that God said she could not eat of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, for in the day she would eat of it, "you will surely die."  Satan immediately responds, "You shall NOT surely die!" (Genesis 3:1-4).  Likewise, Jesus says, "If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" (John 8:24). Satan responds, "You will NOT die in your sins."

            Also consider this:  Tens of thousands of people were being saved for 600 years before Islam even came into existence Therefore, Mohammed, nor his religion (Islam), is NOT the way to be saved!

                                                Toby Miller

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