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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Avoiding Danger

Avoiding danger
by Michael E. Brooks

"For the love of money is a root of all
kinds of evil, for which some have strayed
from the faith in their greediness, and
pierced themselves through with many
sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these
things and pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, patience, gentleness" (1
Timothy 6:10-11).

Occasionally in Nepal I have traveled into the high
mountains to visit churches in remote villages. On one
such trip my guide pointed out a spot on the path from
which a Nepali had fallen to his death just a few days

I guess he could tell from my expression that I was a
little surprised that a normally very sure-footed
Nepali would fall from a place where I was passing
without particular difficulty. He assured me, "He did
not fall from the path; he was out on the side of the
mountain trying to pick a wildflower for one of the

In other words, he had left the relatively secure path
and gone to a place that was much more dangerous. Not
surprisingly he paid a terrible price for the risk he

That incident reminds me forcefully of many people's
unnecessary exposure to sin and temptation. They leave
the fellowship of faithful Christians for the pleasure
of worldly companions.

They neglect the spiritual environment of the Church,
preferring that of a material nature. Not content with
God's rich blessings, they seek the treasures of this
world. Trusting their ability to not go too far, they
flirt with danger, heedless of the risk they are
taking. Tragically many fall to their spiritual deaths.

Paul warned the young evangelist Timothy, "Flee these
things." Stay away from greed and the love of money.
Don't get near them. Remain safe while you pursue
righteousness and godliness. There you will be firmly
planted on solid ground, in little danger of falling.

Elsewhere he commanded, "Flee idolatry" (1 Corinthians
10:14), and "Flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians
6:18). Again he said to Timothy, "Flee also youthful
lusts" (2 Timothy 2:22).

Whatever the temptation, the Christians safest position
is to be removed as far from it as possible. If one
wants to avoid a fatal fall, let him stay away from the
edge of the mountain. The closer one gets to the
precipice, the more danger in which he finds himself.

This is one appropriate application of Paul's well
known statement, "Abstain from every form of evil" (1
Thessalonians 5:22). He obviously meant that Christians
should do nothing that is evil in any way.

Not only should we avoid all kinds of sin, but we
should avoid sin in every degree. What man may consider
a "small sin," hardly worthy of the name, may lead to
some evil which is far more significant.

Of course, God does not consider any sin "small" or of
no importance.

When walking in the mountains, it often seems as if
every pretty flower one would like to pick is just out
of reach from the path, requiring us to venture out
onto the rocks and cliffs.

So it is with worldly pleasures. If we seek rewards and
satisfaction from the things of the flesh, we will
always be in danger of sin. Only when we pursue
righteousness, and trust in God, will we be safe.

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