It is unfortunate that politicians tend to "brand" their political opponents with various terms that are designed to bias an audience either in favor of the one making the statement or against the one to whom the accusation is laid. This past week our President accused the budget presented by the GOP as "Social Darwinism." Whether or not the budget suggested is such that it promotes social Darwinism remains to be seen. One party accuses the other party, words are thrown out in an effort to get the upper hand, and the feathers fly! Sadly, few take the time to really examine the truth. It is an unfortunate reality that those stirred by emotional innuendoes like to be riled up into some kind of frenzy, and in the final analysis the truth suffers, reputations are hurt, and lives are damaged. The internet has enhanced the ability to spread rumors far and near. It is easy to simply press "forward" and send an item to others, who in turn send that item to others, and so on. It saddens me deeply that so many of our brethren are quick to send items along without checking out the facts. I received an email some time back accusing the President of something that, upon further investigation, was simply not true. I wrote my brother informing him that he should check out the facts before sending out the email to others. His response? "Well, it is such that is COULD be true, so I'll just leave it at that!" Did he ever send out a correction? Was the lie he forwarded to an untold number of recipients recanted? And what of others who forwarded that lie on to others? You see, beloved, there is more than one way to participate in gossip and tale-bearing other than with the tongue. Once the email has been sent, like words spoken in haste, it is difficult, if not impossible, to call it back. Innocent people suffer, lives are damaged, and the reputation of the one spreading the "gossip" or labeling another with something either untrue or inaccurate, is tainted. I've said all that to arrive at the point for this week’s article.
Occasionally I will hear someone make the comment that those who are adamant regarding issues that face the Lord's church are "issue oriented." The label is intended to suggest that when a person raises a question about some "issue" facing the Lord's church he is a trouble maker. Some years ago I sent a resume to a congregation of the Lord's church regarding their opening for a pulpit minister. I never even got an interview because the elders of the congregation concluded that I was "issue oriented." At least they were kind enough to send me a letter informing me of exactly why they did not care to give an interview. If standing for truth and opposing error is being "issue oriented," then I confess. If publicly exposing sin by radio, internet, newspaper, et al, is being issue oriented, then I plead guilty! But before we are too quick to brand someone as being "issue oriented," it might be good to examine the words more closely. Funk and Wagnalls defines "issue" as "a matter of importance to be resolved." Webster says it is "the point or matter depending in a suit on which two parties join and put their cause to trial." Oriented means "the determining of one's position with reference to circumstances, ideals, etc" (Funk and Wagnalls). Hence, to be "issue oriented" is to "determine one's position and put that cause to trial or to the test." Since the Christian has the obligation to "prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21), it stands to reason that there will always be "issues" facing the Lord's church. And, since we have the obligation to "sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord: being ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15), that we are therefore "oriented" in giving a defense for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). While it is possible to become so imbalanced that we are cynical about the Lord's church and its future, we must face the fact that so long as the church exists that we are going to have to face the issues that come our way. To do otherwise is to abdicate our responsibility. A negative connotation has been attached to the words "issue oriented." This "label" is used by critics to hush the mouths of those who still love the truth while making the unsuspecting believe that there is something inherently evil in dealing with issues. None would be so bold as to suggest that all issues should be ignored, since even the most liberal change agent will take us to task on the issue of being issue oriented. The question arises, then, as to when our dealing with issues becomes imbalanced. I suggest to you that any issue, and every issue that comes down the pike is an issue that cannot be ignored and must be dealt with forthrightly. If the truth is at stake we cannot and will not remain silent. The only alternative is to ignore the issues and allow the church to be swept into apostasy. It is my studied conviction that at least one reason why the Lord's church is so troubled today is that too many brethren have simply grown weary of fighting the battle. Consequently false teachers have crossed the threshold, and are in the midst of the flock having a heyday. Meanwhile too many elderships and preachers sit back and do nothing for fear that they might be perceived as being "issue oriented." Yes, it is possible to become so consumed with the issues that face the Lord's church that we become cynical and never hold out any hope to God's people. But the desire to provide hope and peace cannot drive us to ignore the issues that would in fact rob us of that hope and peace by leading us into error.
--Tom Wacaster
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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