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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Is social drinking wrong?

Concerning Social Drinking

  • Can you say, "I drink alcoholic liquor because it makes me a stronger Christian.”? "A better husband.”? "A better wife.”? "A better mother or father.”?
  • Can you say, "I drink because it helps me in deciding what’s right and wrong.”?
  • Can you say, "I drink because it makes me a more effective teacher of God's Word and helps me to exert a strong influence for truth and right.”?
  • Can you say, "I drink because it helps me to have more interest in spiritual things, like the study of God's Word or His worship."?
  • Can you say, "I drink because it makes my life richer, fuller and better in every way."? 
  • Can you say, "I drink because I know that no harm can possibly come from it"? 
  • Can you say, "I drink because I know that drinking is far better than total abstinence."?
  • Can you say, "I drink because I know the Lord wants me to."?                           

- by Ernest A. Finley


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