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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Things to Remember When in Worship

1. Remember the purpose of worship is not to entertain or amuse one another, but it is to pay homage, love and honor to God.

2. Remember the people in worship; they are not perfect, neither are you.  Those with imperfections are worshipping Him who is perfect.  He who realizes his own imperfections most is better qualified to worship Him who is perfect.

3. Come to the worship period thinking how great God is and how insignificant you are.

4. Give due attention to the thoughts contained in the spiritual songs as well as in the harmony and melody of the singing of them.

5. Remember that a sermon depends as much on the hearing of it as the presenting of it.

6. Keep in mind that a critical, intolerant attitude is foreign to the spirit of Him whom you purpose to praise and to them that are gathered with you.  One is to be encouraging to those who are worshipping with him.  Never be critical of those who are faithfully leading the worship services.

- by Jim Sasser


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