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Tuesday, April 4, 2017


I’ve thought about this a lot lately. During our quiet time at the beginning of worship (or during communion or while I’m preaching), I often hear the sounds of kids: giggling, whining, squirming, playing, fussing.


And I love it.


I hope you know how much we appreciate you, and how thankful we are that you’re bringing your kids to church. It’s stressful for you, I know, trying to wrestle one, two, three, or more kids throughout a worship service and keep them somewhat civilized. I wasn’t usually much help to my wife, of course (being otherwise engaged), but I remember how difficult it was for her when our four kids were small. One of them (I won’t say which one) almost made us reconsider our position on demon possession!


I’ve been to churches where you don’t hear noises from kids, and it’s almost always a bad sign about the future of that church. I’ve heard stories of preachers from years ago who got irritated when kids would make noise during their sermons, and I couldn’t disagree more. Let me say this—as a preacher, I love the sounds of babies crying during sermons, because I know what that means. It means you’re here, and it means that you care enough about Jesus to struggle with an eighteen-month-old for what seems like forever.


I’ve heard of church members in some places who frown at moms and dads who can’t keep their kids quiet during worship, and I can’t help but think about how unlike Jesus that sounds. Don’t get me wrong—there’s a time when kids need to be taken out—but the parents I know are doing the best they know how to do and deserve our praise and support, not our criticism. I’m thankful to be part of a children-loving church, and I pray it will always be so.


To our parents, when you get frustrated, exhausted, stressed out, and burned out, please know how much we appreciate you. Thank you for loving Jesus, and thank you for bringing your kids to spend time with him. You’re doing hard, important stuff, and we’re glad you’re here.


-Chuck Webster


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