Thought for the Week
Job 7:6 "My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle......"
Psalms 90:9, "....we bring our years to an end with a sigh". James 4:16, James tells us that our life is like a vapor that appears for a short time and then vanishes. Truly as the song we often sing says, "Swiftly we're turning life's daily pages, Swiftly the hours are turning to years". O, how swiftly it seems that the days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. We have just turned the page on a new chapter in our lives and are eagerly anticipating the days that lie ahead in 2018. I venture to say that many are thinking and planning for those days but let is remember as we do so that there are no guarantees as to what the days of 2018 will bring into our lives (James 4:13-15). Just make certain that wherever you go, whatever you do always include God in your plans. Never forget for a moment that only one step, one heart beat, one breath separates us from that moment when we will cross that line that separates the living from the dead (physically).
With the close of the year 2017 we have reached another milestone on our journey through this life. None of us knows what the year 2018 will bring into our lives. Even though the future is uncertain for us, we know that our God holds the future in his hands and so long as we walk with him, confidently trusting him, he will take care of us (Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 12:2-3; Heb. 2:13; Romans 8:35:39; Hebrews 13:5).
I can think of no better words to end this Thought with than those of Third John, verse 2: "Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth". It is my prayer that all who now read these words will be blessed abundantly with needed material things and with a measure of good health that will enable each to enjoy this life. But above all I pray your soul will prosper because, you see, if the soul is not in good health, then all the prosperity of your life and whatever measure of physical health you enjoy will be nothing more than vanity (Ecclesiastes 12:3, 13-14; Luke 12:19-21).
Charles Hicks
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