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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mothers Day Sermons

a)     In Mt. 13:33 Jesus used women to illustrate the “kingdom of heaven.”

b)    The Lord said a “woman” put “leaven in meal” and this image illustrates the gospel –

2)    Some tasks in life may seem routine or mundane, but God is aware of all that we do.

3)    Two chapters later in Matthew (15:22) we read about another common task performed by moms.

4)    A “Canaanitish” mother had a daughter who was “grievously vexed” with an evil spirit.

a) The Lord said something to this mom which might have discouraged a lot of people (verse 26) – READ

b)    In spite of Jesus’ somewhat cool reply, this mom didn’t quit – verse 27 – READ

5)    Moving a little more deeply into the book of Matthew (26:7) we find another key “woman” reference.

6)    A woman had some perfume; Mark’s account of this (14:3) says this was “very costly.”

a)     Matthew (26:7) said this was “poured on the Lord’s head.”

b)    The Lord’s disciples saw this and they had a strong reaction to it – Mt. 26:8-9 – READ

7)    Whether it is a mundane task, helping a child, or something else, women can be generous.

a)     In Mt. 27:19, we read about a woman who was married and we find this woman sought to help her husband –

b)    This lady was the wife of an official named Pilate – Mt. 27:19 – READ

8)    The world does always hold women in high esteem –

9)    Some have claimed the Bible does not honor and exalt women – we are beginning to see this is not true.

10) If we have been in the recent Wednesday adult classes, we know we have been talking about women.

11) READ Mt. 27:55.

12) About midway through Luke (15:8) the Lord spoke of a woman who lost something.

a)     The Lord described a lady who had 10 pieces of silver; He said she lost one of her 10 coins.

b)    After the coin was found, this lady would call her friends together and rejoice (verse 10).

c) The diligence of women can be very, very great and they can also be great communicators (Lk. 15:10).

13)  Not all women are good or make good choices; a bit later we are told “Remember Lot’s wife” (Lk. 17:32).

14) Luke brought his account of Jesus’ life to a close in what we call Lk. 24.

15) In the 22nd verse of this chapter Luke said women went “early” to Jesus’ tomb.

16) These ladies did not go to the Lord’s tomb when it was convenient or “when they c/get around to it” –

17) The book of John has a lot to say about women, and some of this information is in Jn. 4.

18) Imagine perhaps waiting in line with others who also wanted to get water –

19) It was the women in ancient times who were tasked with getting water.

20) In the distant past and in some respects even now ladies have suffered –

21) Acts 8:3 says “men and women” (male and female Christians) were taken to jail.

22) Men and women were baptized (Acts 8:12) and persecutors went after both sexes.

a)     In 1 Cor. 7:33, Paul said husbands were to try to “please” their wives.

b)    The instruction in 1 Cor. 7:33 makes sense because of something Paul said a little later in 1 Cor.

23) In 1 Cor. 11:3, Paul said this – READ

24) A few verses later (1 Cor. 11:9) Paul added these words – READ

25) Eph. 5:23 says the “husband is the head of the wife.”

26) Two verses after this (Eph. 5:25) Paul said husbands are to “love their wives as Christ loves the church.”

27) As husbands do what they are commanded to do, wives “submit” to their mates (Col. 3:18).

28) Moms can do some great things and exert an unbelievable amount of influence….

29) Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Paul spoke of women dressing “modestly” in 1 Tim. 2:9.

30) 1 Tim. 3:11 refers to some “women” and the ESV uses the word “dignified.”

31) God is looking for “dignified” ladies.

32) A godly mom lives the type of where her behavior would win a non-Christian husband (1 Pet. 3:1).

33) A godly mom lives like “holy women” from the past (1 Pet. 3:5).

34)  There are women, some of whom are moms, who are like “Jezebel” (Rev. 2:20), but this is wrong way to live.

35)   Some women are “drunken” (Rev. 17:6), but this is also the wrong way to live.  Rev. 21:9


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