We need to pay close attention to the command of this passage from the inspired word of God. The words we speak, the deeds we participate in, in fact as a child of God, everything we do in this life whether it pertains to the temporal realm or the religious realm should be regulated by this command. Doing all things in the name of the Lord Jesus requires that we have his support, his authority to justify not only what we do but also how we do it.
We are in the midst of a time in which people all over the land are focusing on the birth of Jesus. The birth of God's son was a momentous event and certainly we should be rejoicing that God sent his son to be born into this world (John 3:16; Rom. 5:1-8). Yet, there is no command, inference, principle or example found anywhere in God's word telling us on what day or month that birth took place. Surely, if God had wanted this particular day and month to be a special time of observance, he would have revealed the exact time of its occurrence. On the other hand, the word of God places great emphasis on the life of Jesus, his death, burial and resurrection. This is that which brought to us life, liberty, redemption, and forgiveness of sin (1 Pet. 2:21; Col. 1:12-14; Heb. 5:7-9). If we really want to honor him, let's do it every day of the week by loving him with an exacting obedience to him throughout the entire year (John 14:15; John 15:14)
Much controversy exists today as to saying "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas". The controversy seems to center around taking Christ out of Christmas. Personally, I have come to, prefer "Happy Holiday" because at 84 years of age, after much thought and prayer, considering the way Christmas is observed in a religious vein with no biblical authority for doing so, coupled with the deceptive practices engaged in as a part of Christmas (Santa, Elf on the Shelf), I have come to the conclusion that Christ was put into the Christmas celebration by man, not God. Please understand, this is only one old man's opinion.
It is the responsibility of each person to diligently search out the truth and then come to their own conclusions. My intent with this "Thought" is not to condemn anyone but rather stir up your minds to be careful in all your words and deeds, following the command of Colossians 3:17. By now some of you may be thinking, this man has lost it. I prefer to think that after 84 years on this earth, spiritually I have grown a little taller and become a little wiser. Call me a Grinch, call me Scrooge but please, don't be angry with me--"Happy Holiday" to everyone.
Charles Hicks
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