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Friday, April 30, 2010

Ubaldo Jimenez

           Whether you are a Colorado Rockies fan or not, you probably heard about the amazing feat pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez accomplished not long ago.  He became the first Rockies pitcher to throw a no-hitter.  That's right, he threw 128 pitches without a single opponent getting a hit.  Since 1875, there have been less than 270 no-hitters, so this is quite rare.

            Despite what an incredible success this was, in reality, Jimenez was not the person who achieved the no-hitter, but the entire team as a whole.  If it were not for many awesome plays made by the team around him, he would not have accomplished a no-hitter.  Not matter how good he may be, without the team that surrounded him, a no-hitter would have been virtually impossible.

            As we continue to strive towards our ultimate goal to be with the Lord in heaven, let's remember that we need each other and to help each other.  This is the reason the Lord gave us the church (1 Corinthians 12:14f).  Every church has leaders, and usually these are the elders (Acts 20:28; Titus 1:5).  Most of the time the elders function as the pillars of the church and handle more then their far share of the burden and responsibilities.  However, no matter how wonderful our elders may be, they still need the individual members around them for support and encouragement.  Just as Jimenez needed his team, the elders, deacons, ministers, and every individual member needs each other.  As we continue striving for the goal, let's make sure we give special attention and support to our elders, but also to each other.  Together we are a team and the body of Christ.  Let's always strive to work together and support each other, especially our elders who watch over our souls (Hebrews 13:17).

Brett Petrillo

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