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Monday, April 19, 2010

What if?

-People began with the assumption that the mind of God rather than the minds of men was responsible for Scripture?
-People assumed that a God powerful enough to create everything in such intricate and amazing detail could preserve that Scripture throughout the wear and tear of the ages and the varied attacks of men?
-People assumed that Scripture constructed in just such a way was the sole authority for all religious matters?
-People tried trusting the simple, repeated claims Scripture makes for its own inspiration and authority?
-People treated Scripture as the breathed out message from God and not like it was a comic book, on a par with the works of Homer, Aristotle, or Shakespeare, or a literary work to be sliced and diced with condescending contempt?
-People read and studied that Scripture reverently and submissively rather than looking for ways to attack, mock, and undermine it?
-People approached Scripture as their guide for living and sought to have it reshape their thinking, renew their mind, and remake their character?
-People had such confidence is Scripture that they felt compelled to gently, persistently, and zealously share it with people in the world around them?
-People spent less time debating the authenticity of Scripture and more time demonstrating the altering ability of Scripture?
-People simply lived the Scripture rather than lumping it?

What would happen?  Would we generate a society full of hypocrites and charlatans? Would there be anarchy, chaos, and evil?  Would there be an epidemic of despair and unhappiness?  Would we be a people racked with guilt and emptiness?  If our premise was that the Bible is what it claims to be and we thus gave it the place such a premise deserves and demands, what impact would we have on this world and those whose lives we touch and influence?  What if?

Neal Pollard
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