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Monday, November 15, 2010

The church is growing weaker


In a recent article, Tom Wacaster said a lady asked him, "How long do you think God is going to wait before He renders judgment upon this nation?"  He replied, "I am convinced that He is already bringing judgment upon the United States; unfortunately, the multitude of our political and religious leaders cannot see that it has already begun."

            Tragically, at the precise moment in our nation's history when this society needs the Lord's church so desperately, the church steadily grows weaker.  This is because in many areas it seems the church has lost sight of its eternal purpose. Many congregations seems to think that the mission of the church is to administer to their own physical needs, as well as the physical needs of those around us.  Have we lost sight of what constitutes Biblical authority? More importantly, do we even care?  Churches panic at the decreasing membership so they offer cheap meals to get people to come on Wednesdays; offer "giveaways,"  "drawings," "door-prizes,"  "aerobic and pottery classes,"  "Fun Daze,"  "Super Sundays,"  and just about anything else to try and entice people into some sort of an association with the church.

    It appears that most programs in the church today are designed, not to improve the spiritual man, but to address the needs/desires of the physical man.  The result is a path to self destruction. As churches turn their attention to the worldly needs/desires of its members, they will eventually lose their identity and fellowship with the One who is not of this world.   The Bible will become less important, evangelism will go by the wayside, and the congregation will be reduced to nothing more than some kind of social institution topped with religious syrup.  As we abandon God's Word,  we are abandoning God. In other words, "Stay Hungry." (Matt. 5:6) – Toby Miller

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