I AM NO political activist, and I was in no small way annoyed and worn out by the political phone calls and ads...
Yet, there was an amendment on the Colorado ballot that did have my undivided attention. It was simply called "Amendment 62," an amendment to our state constitution recognizing the independent "personhood" of the unborn child. By an overwhelming 7 to 3 ratio, our state's voters denied that amendment.
There are many reasons to recognize the personhood of the unborn child. The child has its own unique DNA, fingerprints, blood type, many times is even of a different gender, and is distinctly identified as a human being. The child develops early and rapidly, having blood vessels form in the third week after conception, eyes and the beginning of esophagus, gallbladder, liver, lungs, pancreas, pharynx, stomach and trachea form in the fourth week. The face of the child begins to look human by week five, and the heart begins beating around the same time. The brain of the child can sense smell by day 35. The beginning of the toes are evident by day 42. Consider that all of these developments are occurring before or around the time a woman discovers she is pregnant (cf.http://sfuhl.org/). The most compelling reason requires a belief both in God and scripture, which not only gives us our moral bearing regarding life and love of children but also gives us God's view of the unborn child.
The Bible tells us that God knew the unborn child even before He formed the child in the womb (Isa. 44:1-2; Jer. 1:4-5). It further states the love and relationship God has with the unborn child (Ps. 22:9-10; 139:13-16). In Luke 1:39-44, Elizabeth recognizes the personhood both of the unborn child in her own womb and that in Mary's womb. If Mary had been pro-choice and had sought to exercise that choice to abort (and why would a pro-choice Christian deny her that "right"?), the world's only Savior would not have been born.
The greater concern here is the collective callus on the heart of a nation. For just short of four full decades, we have legally sanctioned the killing of unborn children. With the practice now entering a third generation of legal and societal acceptance, I am very concerned about the conscience of an entire culture.
There is an incredible website out there called www.physiciansforlife.org, a voice for medical professionals against the horrific practice of abortion. On the site, they say, "How ironic that the 'love' generation should spawn such a culturally accepted abomination as abortion." The site is filled with studies and data about the health risks and problems for the mother who makes this choice as well as an endless amount of statistics and research on the matter.
Our task is great. It begins with our valuing all human life and the eternal implication residing in every person. This deserves our prayers and our concern. If we will be more aggressive in teaching the gospel to the lost, we stand a better chance to reach the heart of a nation hardened by years of choosing evil rather than good on this matter. May God grant our nation a softened heart and may He bless us all, including those unborn who simply want to live. Neal Pollard /
16 These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood." Proverbs 6:16-17
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