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Thursday, September 6, 2012

why get an annual exam?

When's the last time you went in for a physical examination? I guess for
about two years now I've given extra attention to my physical health. I've
tried to eat healthier and be more active in my lifestyle so as to get more
physical exercise.

My doctor monitors my health with a full physical each year and tells me
about the importance of self-examination and follow through. His words: "If
you take care of yourself doing what I say, you'll be fine." Of course, I
realize there's no crystal ball, and one day I may not be fine--but that's
true for any of us. However, if we take care of ourselves, and practice
self-examination and follow up with the doctor, it is far more likely that
we'll be healthy longer.

Additionally, it's important that we regularly examine who we are, and how
we're living.

I read about a young man who was overheard making a telephone call to a man
about lawn service. The call went like this:

Hello, sir, I was calling to see if you needed a lawn boy. Oh, you have one.
Well, is he adequate? Oh, he is! Thank you, I was just checking," said the
young boy.

The one who was listening in on the conversation felt sorry for the boy who
placed the call and said that he was sorry he didn't get the job. To his
surprise, the young man said:

Oh, no sir. I've got the job. I was just calling to check up on myself.

When's the last time you checked up on yourself?

Have you checked on your attitude lately?

Perhaps the words you use or the stories you tell need to be revisited.

Are you as spiritually minded as you ought to be?

Are you engaged in church work?

Are you regular in your worship attendance?

Are you the family person you need to be?

The Bible says, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your
own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you,
except ye be reprobates?" (2 Cor. 13:5).

Self-examination is important in the life of every Christian.

I hope you have a great day!

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