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Thursday, September 20, 2012

To give life meaning, one must have a purpose larger than one's self

One of the fundamentals of Biblical teaching is that God has implanted
within man an insatiable desire to serve something--better stated,
someone--greater than himself. You and I of course understand that our
purpose in life is to glorify God above, a task which is accomplished as we
serve God and our fellow man.

This very concept is what gives life meaning and makes it worth the living.
A life lived otherwise is rather meaningless, isn't it.

I like how Will Durant said it: "To give life meaning, one must have a
purpose larger than one's self."

However, so many live empty lives because theirs are often about serving
self rather than others. Viktor Frankl said, "Clinics are crowded with
people suffering from a new kind of neurosis, a sense of total and ultimate
meaninglessness of life."

What is your purpose in life? To glorify God? Yes! But how? In short, by
everything that you do, say, or think.

The apostle Paul put it this way: "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do
all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by
him" (Col. 3:17).

Perhaps your words designed to encourage a soul to become a Christian are
taken as bigoted or unloving. Water off a duck's back--God knows your
intentions and you speak the truth in love.

There may be times when your good works are not seen, but your so-called
inadequacies are. Big deal! Keep glorifying God. He knows your service

Maybe there are times that your thoughts stray from that which is righteous.
If it's but for a moment and you refocus, and this is the exception and not
the rule, don't worry about it. God knows your heart.

Your life has meaning. It has value. That is, if it's lived in service to

I hope you have a great day!

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