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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why become a preacher?

I love preaching! Why? Because the purpose is to invoke a response and then
motivate a change in the way one lives. That, in essence, is what Paul was
saying about the Scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Study that passage and see
if that's not the point.

Of course, it's the Scripture that we preach and that changes lives--not the
one doing the preaching. In fact, if we as preachers would learn to get out
of the way of the text, and let the text do the talking, then we'd be far
better off.

Sometimes we say, "well, it's been awhile since anyone has responded to the
invitation on Sunday." Keep in mind, that doesn't mean no one has responded.
Everyone responds--if just in their own heart, and that negatively or

Here's another thing to keep in mind. The invitation for public response on
Sunday is not just for someone to obey the Gospel in baptism for the
remission of sins. Nor is it just to bring someone to repentance for public

I think far too often we fail to realize that an invitation to respond is
also a good time for folks to come forward and ask their church family for
prayer because they need HELP!

As you know, there's not been a daily devotional nugget because my son and I
were in Africa on a short term mission trip. While on that trip, it was our
privilege to worship and work with the Kisongo Church of Christ. I was able
to present three lessons before the church. at the conclusion of two of them
we invited people to respond to the invitation. On a third occasion, another
traveling companion, Lance Leavens preached and invited folks to respond to
the invitation.

There were about 24 souls who responded. Of the 24, one of those wanted to
be baptized, and a second expressed sinfulness and asked for prayers with
respect to that.

The balance of those who responded simply asked for help. Moreover, most
were asking for prayers for God's aid for their friends or family who were
going through struggles.

I was overwhelmed by their love and concern for others and how they used
responding to the invitation to ask for prayers for help--and that, often
for others.

This Lord's Day, what if more people responded calling upon the prayer power
of the collective body of Christ? Something to think about.

I hope you have a great day!

For previous devotionals, visit

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