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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Uncle Eddie

Well, I'm safely back from my whirlwind trip to see Uncle Eddie and, for anyone that's interested, he hasn't changed a bit. Except for his self-description of "I'm getting shorter and my feet are getting bigger." He can't understand why this is and it's bothering him. But, that's not all that's bothering him and, as usual, he was full of questions that I couldn't adequately answer. At least not to his satisfaction anyway.

It's so blooming hot there that he has to stay inside during most of the day and so all he does is watch news programs on TV and this is where he gets all his ammunition (questions) that he fires at me. The hot topic this trip was the new bridge being built at Hoover Dam. "Why does it cost so much money? The old one worked just fine." I tried to explain that cars, buses, trucks etc. are much bigger now than they were in the '30's when the original bridge was built - plus more of them now.

Wasn't good enough. The old one still worked and the new one is a big waste of money. I gave up. At least I was smart enough NOT to bring up the 650 million dollar high school in Los Angeles. If he thought the bridge was a giant waste of money, no telling what he'd of said about the high school.

But, in my efforts in trying to contrast the "old" bridge with the "new" one, and in trying to explain the conditions present, I got to thinking about contrasts in the "religious world." In particular, the current debate regarding Islam (Muslims) versus Christianity. I've paid attention to what the various "sides" have had to offer on the subject, plus done some research on my own and I'd like to opine here for a moment if I may about some "contrasts" I've noted.

This will not be a textbook on this subject, nor will it be "in depth." This will simply be my thoughts, using some points that I've noted that contrast with what the Bible says on those points. My first thought/point about Muslims is, that someone we label a "terrorist" they see as the most God-fearing person in the world. In other words, someone who straps a bomb to their person and walks into a crowded place and detonates this bomb, killing themselves and many others, is a "religious hero" in the Muslim religion.

Now here's the contrast as I see it. Christians are told in several scriptures that we are engaged in a warfare, but that it's a war that is "not after the flesh." (2Cor. 10:3) and goes on there to say that our "weapons are not carnal." God's people are fighting a war with His arch enemy, Satan, and Paul tells us in Eph. 6 those famous words about this type of warfare and what defenses we're to have and also what our only weapon, our "sword" is to be. He said much the same thing to Timothy about what kind of "warfare" we face and what our weapons are. (1Tim. 1:18)

But, not only Christians, but anyone non-Muslim is considered an "infidel" thus, according to their "scriptures" are worthy of being killed and whoever kills the "infidels" is a hero of their faith. It is a religion that was started with the sword, has been spread by the sword and still has the same credo today. Only the sword is now modern explosives.

In my humble opinion, there lies the major contrast between Christianity and Islam. That our "warfare" is not "fleshly or carnal" and has never been so constituted. Christians are to spread the Gospel by living exemplary lives and teaching non-Christians the Truth by our "good works." Peter says this explicitly in 1 Pet. 2:12 and says that the end result of this is God would be "glorified."

The "works" prized by Muslims can in no way be called "good." No, the "works" by which their Allah is glorified is the murdering of innocent people, the more killed by one event the better, and if the killer happens to blow themselves up in the doing of it, they're a hero of the faith.

One more contrast with Islam and then I'll get down off of my soapbox for awhile. There are just too many passages to reference here, but believe me when I tell you, that throughout the Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, LYING, DECEIVING, BEARING FALSE WITNESS ETC. is condemned by God. That "liars" have their reward awaiting them in the "lake of fire". (Rev. 21:8) Someone who "lies" is an "abomination" to God. (Prov. 12:22)

In the Muslim scriptures it's okay to lie and deceive a non-Muslim, an "infidel." Well, if you stop and think about it, if it's okay to murder them in the name of your religion, lying to them is nothing. It's their duty to deceive the "infidels." Their god looks favorably on this. It's certainly not an "abomination."

In case anyone is wondering, these things that I've mentioned here are things that I've heard said by Muslim leaders in some of their speeches and the reports on those speeches. Plus, during my working years, I used to teach classes to other police officers on the various sects of Muslims and their philosophies.

In closing this editorial about religious contrasts, let me sort of change gears a little and leave you with another example of religious contrast. In Matt. 7:12 we have Christ giving what men have designated as the "Golden Rule:" "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so them..." What I'm pointing out here is the "positiveness" of this "rule." Now, I'd like you to look at what some other "religions" maxims say along this same line of thought.

Brahmanism: "This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others which would cause pain if done unto you."

                    Buddhism: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful."

Confucianism: "There is one maxim of loving kindness; do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you."

Islam: "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself." (Isn't this interesting?)

Judaism: "What is hateful to you do not to your fellow man. That is the entire law, all the rest is commentary."

Taoism: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain and your neighbor's loss as your own loss."

My aim today is for you to notice the positive aspects of Christianity versus the negativeness of the false doctrines we war against in this world. Somehow, the term "negative" just isn't enough to cover the contrast with Islam.

Ron Covey





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