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Sunday, August 1, 2010

The easiest person to deceive is one's own self

                            "The easiest person to deceive is one's own self."

                                                                                            Edward Lytton

I happened across the above quotation the other day and immediately thought 'what a great lead-in to a spiritual lesson.' It's been quite some time since we discussed "deception" or being "deceived." So, it's high time that we took a little look at it again because we live in a world filled with deception, don't we? I only have to mention one thing and you'll have no trouble recognizing the state of affairs of which I speak - television!

Why do I pick on television? I know that it can be a wonderful thing. That it can be very useful in promoting "good" things as evidenced by it being a great teaching tool for reaching vast numbers of people with The Gospel. But, the majority of the time that our sets are turned on, they are trying to sell us something and therein lies much "deceivableness." (a Bible word, 2Thess. 2:10)

Let's just look at a few quick examples. Beer commercials: ever see one being advertized by fat slobs wearing plain old work clothes? No, and you won't. It's always the young, vibrant, beautiful people who drink ____ Beer and here's the deceit: if you drink ____ Beer you'll be young, vibrant and beautiful too. You'll be "with it," so to speak.

Or, car commercials: buy this car and you too can lead a great exciting life speeding around on scenic roadways, exploring beautiful mountains, forests and outdoor areas. No mention of any costs such as price, insurance, registration and fuel. Just a life of fun and adventure.

One that catches my TV eye is, the money-lending commercials: just give us a call and the money will be on its way. Nothing mentioned about the terms of payback or interest. I've never used their businesses, but I can certainly imagine that it's not as easy as they make it sound AND I have trouble understanding that, if you can't make a go on what you have, how does adding to your debts help you?

One more example, and I think this one is the best - clothing commercials: have you ever seen a clothes model (even manikins) that were fat and ugly? Or, even just a little stocky and plain looking? I haven't. The deceptive idea here is, if you wear (IE: purchase) these clothes you'll look like our models in them. You too will be slim and beautiful. Plus, you'll impress everyone else with your latest fashion sense and they'll be envious.

I said I liked the clothing deception the best and here's my reasoning. Solomon told us many times over that "all is vanity." The Psalmist David also talked about "vanity" and we'll look at his words in just a moment. But, back to the clothing example. Did you know that in the clothing industry they have an interesting phrase. At least I found it interesting, and the phrase they use is "vanity sizing."

Do you know what that is? It's simply an intentional "down sizing" of their clothing lines (IE: label it 12 instead of 16) so that women will feel smaller by buying their clothes. I will not attempt to further describe how women's clothes are sized or what those sizes mean. That's just one of life's great mysteries and I prefer to leave it that way.

It's my humble belief that man's (generic) "vanity" is the basis for much of the sin in our world and is the basis for much of the "deception" we find all around us. In other words, do you think Satan knows which one of our buttons to push to get us to do something we shouldn't? I have no doubt about it. I think he knows exactly what our poet/author Edward Lytton knew: that the easiest person to deceive is ourself.

Remember the old TV show with Flip Wilson? Where one of his "characters" was Geraldine who's standing excuse was: "The devil made me do it" (whatever "it" was that got her in trouble.) Well, if you really think about it, is that statement so far wrong? Now, he can't do it without our consent and participation, but he is the "father" of lies. (John 8:44) And if we're not on guard, IE: have our "shields" up, we are susceptible to being "deceived" into sinning.

We're warned in three different places in the Gospel of Christ to "Be not deceived..." into believing that the "unrighteous" will go to heaven (1Cor. 6:9-10). Or, into believing that "evil companions" won't "corrupt good character." (1Cor. 15:33)

You see, one of the ways man can "deceive" himself is to think that he can live whatever lifestyle he wants to live here on earth and the "God of Love" will overlook all of his sins and save him regardless of them. That brings us to the third "Be not deceived..." into thinking you can "deceive" God. Paul says those so familiar words to us in Gal. 6:7, "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Here's some final thoughts and scriptures regarding our subject of "deceit" and of being "deceived." Paul told Timothy (2Tim. 3:13) that "evil people and seducers" will just get worse and worse in their deceptions. And that was before television! And, the writer of Hebrews admonishes us to "exhort one another daily..." lest any of us "be hardened" (turn against God) by the "deceitfulness of sin." (Heb. 3:13)

I mentioned that we'd come back to some words of David, offered in one of his psalms. I think I'll just use them as a fitting close to our lesson today.

"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or, who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully." (Psalm 24:3-4)

Ron Covey

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